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Old 04 May 2016, 14:04   #1
Country: UK - England
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Afternoon all.
I'm not new to boats, done a lot of sailing and still do. I also had a lovely Beneteau 550 but, a matrimonial issue made me say goodbye to that.
Sadly I am not going to be able to get away much this year apart from a week and a few long weekends up in Wales but, I do fancy getting a small inflatable for the times I can go out on the water. My budget is in the region of £1,500 so looking for something between 3.2 and 4m, ideally with a 10-20hp motor. It doesn't need to be trailered because once I have got it to Wales it will stay there and can be packed away at the end of the season. I will use it mainly for trips out in the bay and bay hopping and possibly a spot of fishing. Any advice appreciated and also anyone know of anything suitable for sale. I am based in the Midlands and prepared to travel some distance for the right thing.
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Old 04 May 2016, 14:33   #2
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Welcome to the forum.

I have a history (as crew on the larger craft) of boating up to 50+ft over many years and now I'm quite content to get my time "at sea" with a sub 4m SIB. Great fun at minimal cost.

You are smack bang in the most popular size/price requirements so may have to look hard everywhere and jump on anything that looks suitable.

Do read post #1 in the Which SIB thread...

Here's an example at £1550 start and no bids yet. Alloy floor which can be a faff to assemble but more rigid feeling than an air floor. A very very sought after outboard with it...

Inflatable Boat | eBay

Size wise a modern 3.2 like a Honwave can feel quite safe but older small tube/low bow models not quite so good. 3.5m is a good size to aim for... 4.0m can get a bit heavy unless trailered.

This time of year with the sun out your ideal outboards are reaching the start of peak season money. A very clean last of the 15hp 2-strokes in lovely order will be £1200-£1300 so you need to get really lucky on a package to end up with a nice 15. You are right in my opinion to set 10hp as a minimum. But only go down to a 10 if you get a lightweight like the 26kg Tohatsu 9.8. Most of the other 10s are exactly the same weight as a 15 so go straight for the 15. 20/25hps oddly can be a bit cheaper as they are getting to a weight many don't want to carry about.

If you have any ability to tow consider buying a package with trailer as these are often the size you would want with a suitable 15-25hp outboard. You can then sell the trailer off and effectively lower the cost.

Hope that's given some ideas for you to raise questions.
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Old 04 May 2016, 14:45   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Wolverhampton
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Posts: 36
Thanks Fenlander, Yes, I have had a browse through the advice on the SIB thread and I suppose for a lot of it is all 6 of one and half a dozen of another. I am leaning more towards a firm floor as I have the benefit of being able to leave the boat on the beach whilst I am there and will only need to pack away at the end of the season.

I have incidentally just messaged about that boat you link to
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Old 04 May 2016, 14:58   #4
Country: UK - England
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Welcome Inglenook.

On a good day you may be alright with your £1500 - £1600 or a little more. Don't discount spending a bit more to get it back as many a time you will find a trailer included in packages around £1800/£1900 and you can usually sell the trailer alone for £300 or so.

Check the SIB's spotted on eBay thread for what is around at present.
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Old 04 May 2016, 15:04   #5
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Thanks Max,

I will keep checking the link and will pay more for the right boat.
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Old 06 May 2016, 14:39   #6
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Well, I bought the boat that was listed on ebay and referred to by Fenlander. I made an offer prior which was refused and he let the auction run, it didn't get a bid so he came back to me and we struck a deal, off to collect it tomorrow and will be trying it out over the bank holiday, weather permitting.
Hopefully I have a good deal, time will tell.
Has anyone got any advice / what to look out for on the tohatsu 18hp 2 stroke? I am not afraid to get my fingers dirty so will give it a service, new plugs, filter, clean the carb and new gear oil, plus lightly oil / lube all moving parts. Any other hints or tips appreciated?
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Old 09 May 2016, 23:45   #7
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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Inglenook sorry only just noticed this. Really well done buying that outfit, if you bought it somewhere around the start price the outboard if clean and a good runner is worth most of what you paid.

Yes all the service items you mention plus the water pump impellor if no record when it was last swapped.

Be really good to hear how you get on with it... and pics if you can when you get out on the water.
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Old 10 May 2016, 06:26   #8
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I paid less than the listing price which will cover the service items, fuel used collecting the boat and a few other bits and pieces I will need.
I will give the engine a service over this week but looking initially it appears to have done very little. There are a few scratches to the cowling and leg that I would like to touch up if possible, any idea where the best place is to get the tohatsu dark blue paint from?
Pics will hopefully be posted in a few weeks when we take her to Wales and weather permitting out on the water
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Old 10 May 2016, 06:57   #9
RIBnet admin team
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Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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>>>tohatsu dark blue paint

Is it really dark blue... I've had the 9.8 of that age and I thought it was black??

I guess it might be worth getting the correct paint from the dealer to get a perfect match.
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Old 10 May 2016, 07:30   #10
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I believe it is a midnight blue or similar. Will contact tohatsu. Either way, looking forward to getting out on the water and see what she can do
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Old 26 May 2016, 09:35   #11
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Well, I have given the engine a once over and it appears to be running well ( in a tank of water) and given it a service. I will be loading the car up tonight with the boat, engine, launching trolley, engine trolley and all of the other associated bits and bobs, ready for the bank holiday. I am heading up to North Wales for her maiden voyage (under my ownership) and the weather is looking good so should hopefully be a good weekend to test out the new tug.
I will try and get some pics to post up next week.
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Old 15 July 2016, 14:00   #12
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So how did it go?
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Old 15 July 2016, 14:25   #13
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I did a little write up on a separate thread but not sure how to revert back to that apart from this

But, in answer to your question, I am very pleased with the set up and the engine is a cracker, even the dog enjoyed it. I will be looking to get something larger for next year as I hopefully will be spending more time up there
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