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Old 06 September 2011, 21:52   #1
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Newbie advice on first SIB

Hi Folks,

Greetings from Ireland. This is my first post on what looks to be a really excellent forum. I look forward to taking part.

So I'm looking for a good end of season deal on a SIB. I used to have a Bayliner gas guzzling money pit that I managed to offload a couple of years back but having been boatless for a couple of seasons I'm now near to a total breakdown

I never really got the whole RIB thing until I had a go on one this summer and loved it. Now I understand !

I do a lot of camping/caravanning so I need something that will fold into a bag(s) and as I've nowhere left to store a boat I'll need to inflate/deflate regularly. A trailer is out of the question. Ideally I'll find something that will fit into the boot of my KIA Sorento or on it's roof if I can lift it.

I've narrowed my choice down to 3 types: (3.5M - 3.8M)
Zodiac MK I, IIC or Cadet 360FR

The SIB will be mostly used for a spot of coastal fishing and light cruising usually carrying 2 adults and a couple of small kids but I want to be able to carry 3/4 adults comfortably. Speed is not an issue but I also want an engine that can get me out of trouble if needs be. I want something 3.5M+ but I'm totally stumped on the solid floor V air floor issue.

The Mrs. is a bit windy on the water and I think the wood would be better for her. I also plan to carry our dog from time to time too and that worries me when it comes to air floors.

But the air floors are obviously lighter and easier to pack and with the solid floor SIBS with bigger engines the weight really starts to add up.

So to sum up:
Which brand is better and is the Zodiac worth the extra cash ?
Solid or Inflatable floor ?
Manageable weight combination for single handed launching ?
Best engine/HP set up ?

All and any advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading and apologies for the slightly long winded first post !

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Old 06 September 2011, 22:07   #2
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Microheavy.. have a look at this thread:-

also, for what it's worth... my short-list ended up being Zodiac and Quicksilver.. I went for Quicksilver.
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Old 06 September 2011, 22:18   #3
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Very interesting stuff there General, thanks a million.

Can I ask, why did you pop for the Quicksilver in the end ?
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Old 06 September 2011, 22:28   #4
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Basically, I saved £300 between the 2 models I was considering
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Old 06 September 2011, 22:29   #5
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Originally Posted by Microheavy View Post
Very interesting stuff there General, thanks a million.

Can I ask, why did you pop for the Quicksilver in the end ?
ive got a quicksilver qs 340 i can have it from car to water in 20 mins with suzuki 9.9 on ...... very easy to put together and not to heavy if on holiday we keep inflated on the roof rack

a good rig all round
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Old 06 September 2011, 22:32   #6
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I think whichever one you choose.. zodiac/quicksilver/honwave, you will be very happy! I dont think iv seen a/many bad words about any of them on here.
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Old 06 September 2011, 22:33   #7
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Did you see my Fastroller 360 review?

Earlier this summer there were loads of threads about sib buying. One thing that came out of most was buy a very clean used SIB with good history max 10yrs old and then if it isn't exactly what you want you can sell on with zero or minimal loss.

If you bought a new Zodiac Fastroller 360 you would probably lose £700 if it needed selling on within a few months.
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Old 06 September 2011, 23:48   #8
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Thanks for all the input guys.

General - glad to know it was a £ consideration. There is quite a big difference here between the 2 makes.

guernseylee - I assume the QS340 is an Air Deck

LWman - Yep, thats the problem, I can't feckin decide !

Fenlander - Great post and the 360 looks great. I take your point about buying second hand but there isn't much on the market here at the moment and to be honest I really, for the first time in my life, want something brand new !

The 360FR is very tempting and just on my budget when coupled with a Honda 15 4 stroke but I do love the look and solid feel of the classic. My worry is that I won't be able to manage it single handed.


Can I pick your brains about the Zodiac air floor ?

How solid does it feel ?
Could you stand up in it comfortably ?
Would you bring a dog on board ?

Thanks again.
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Old 07 September 2011, 00:00   #9
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If you hit the air floor with your hand it feels more like wood. Stand on it and shift your weight then it does give under your feet a bit. I would be wary of buying an air floor unless you budget £120 for the 12v elec high pressure pump... in truth the footpump is marginal for achieving full floor pressure without a large amount of effort. We happily take our dog in it... the air floor is no more at risk than the tubes. We do always have a rubbery mat on it though, it's actually caravan awning flooring I've cut to the shape of the floor. To be completely honest I don't see much difference between the quality of Quicksilver/Zodiac Fastroller/Honwave so the Zodiac 360 Fastroller needs to be exactly what you want before going for it at a few hundred more than the others.
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Old 07 September 2011, 00:28   #10
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More great food for thought and a clever touch with the awning floor !

Thanks again Fenlander
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Old 07 September 2011, 07:27   #11
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
I would be wary of buying an air floor unless you budget £120 for the 12v elec high pressure pump... in truth the footpump is marginal for achieving full floor pressure without a large amount of effort.
An expensive electric pump really isn't necessary just for the air floor. If you're happy pumping up the rest of the boat, then the floor shouldn't be difficult.

You mentioned a foot pump though, which may be the problem. I would recommend something like the Quicksilver double action stirrup pump which does the job without any trouble.

Having said all that, whatever floor you choose a good electric inflator does make boating much more enjoyable. It's not an airdeck specific thing though.
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Old 07 September 2011, 07:38   #12
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OK agreed elec pump not essential but *very* desireable if a boat is to be inflated every use. On the Fastroller 360 air floor (which includes HP keel from same valve) once you have the floor filled to LP the standard footpump needs changing to the HP (low volume) position and I reckon it needs another 100 or so very vigorous pumps to get the floor right to pressure... the last 2-3psi takes real effort.

I thought the footpump would be OK when I had the boat new and inflated in the comfort of the garage on a level carpeted floor but once at launch sites on uneven ground particularly if inflating on my own I soon forked out for the Bravo.

How does the Bombard floor inflate... one or two valve points? I guess that's around 11psi like the Zodiac??
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Old 07 September 2011, 07:54   #13
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As Fenlander has says do check back over the many topics in July discussing 'which SIB' - I would really think more than twice about buying new (applies to SIB or RIB) - you will loose a fortune if you decide that it was not quite right - as so many do. It was endlessy repeated in the topics above but weekly on eBay dozens of rigs came up that would be ideal (3.4 Zodiac/Quicksilver with a 2 stroke 9.8 circa £1500 to £1800).

Like most I will advise an air floor - and a Zodiac/Quicksilver or Honwave - all really well made, good design floor/keel and hold their value - have no worries about buying one 5 - 10 years old, they don't wear out if looked after, just be sure to inspect all the seams etc carefully for damage, tears, seperation.

Be careful when comparing lengths - these measure the total tube length and don't always reflect the interior space - some newer designs with rounded cones rather than the pointy ones affect this. The Honwave 3.25 is the same as a 3.4m in capacity - if it had pointed cones it would be called a 3.4.

Bigger than a 3.4m really needs a 15hp rather than a 9.8 which tips the balance between portability and practicality - the 3.4 really is a great SIB size for general use with plenty of space for 2+2. I would not go smaller but think very carefully about going bigger.

Engine is a big part too and you will soon see that most on here advise to stay away from 4 strokes (which you will be limited to if buying new) - a 5 to 8 year old 9.8 2 stroke Tohatsu, Mariner, Yamaha on a 3.4 is a great combo that you can manhandle over any beach. Will do 16 kts with two adults - four adults on a 3.4 is not ideal.

Again, check back over so many previous topics for pump/pressure advice.
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Old 07 September 2011, 08:54   #14
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Edit: Peter's advertising this SIB/engine:

It's not quite fitting your criteria but just posting it as it shows the sort of fantastic starter boat deal you can get for under £1500. Buy the equivilent of that lot new today and it will cost maybe £4k with no noticable advantage in use!!
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Old 07 September 2011, 09:33   #15
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Agreed that Yam outfit of Peter's looks very useful and great value. Good point too from Max re interior sizes being all important... and rounded/flat cone ends making comparisons difficult with older models. For example the current 3.25 Zodiac Fastroller is a fraction larger internally than the older pointy cone 3.4.
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Old 07 September 2011, 09:56   #16
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Originally Posted by Microheavy View Post
but there isn't much on the market here at the moment and to be honest I really, for the first time in my life, want something brand new !
Howya, welcome to SIBnet. You're right about the secondhand market here in Ireland - a load of overpriced tat!

If you're shipping from the yUK, have a look at Ron Hale Marine (I bought my QS new from them). The deals were OK and they were VERY easy to work with.
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Old 07 September 2011, 13:24   #17
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
How does the Bombard floor inflate... one or two valve points? I guess that's around 11psi like the Zodiac??

Bombard aerotec has 2 valves in the floor, one for each side.

I use supplied footpump for bulk inflation and then a 20 quid QS stirrup pump (as mentioned by John) to get floor to 11.4psi.

All in, takes about 15mins max and is really no stress at all.

Would also say have a look at RON HALE, I got my engine and bits and bobs from there. Painless, easy and cheapest online (at the time).

btw - glad you had such a good time up here on holiday Fenlander!!!
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Old 07 September 2011, 14:31   #18
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Yep brilliant time... possibly the best holiday launch area so far... Loch Duich from Dornie Bridge slip and Plockton village slip.

Thanks for the Bombard floor info. I just may be in the market for a used inflatable at winter prices and the 380 could go on the list.
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Old 07 September 2011, 21:01   #19
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Right, now yis have me thinking seriously of going second hand !

The problem is, as was previously pointed out, the market in Ireland isn't great and the travel/shipping involved in buying in the UK pushes the price up a fair bit.

Willk - Thanks for the pointer towards Ron Hale. There are significant savings there compared to what I've been quoted here on similar packages.
(Where you based BTW?)

Looks like I've loads more research to do !

Thanks again for all the input.
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Old 07 September 2011, 22:03   #20
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Hi mate , im selling this beauty
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