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Old 25 October 2017, 21:29   #21
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>>>Also, I've got to get camping gear in the car for some of those trips...
>>>take my Yam 3.8 and 16hp suzuki in the boot of my 5 series estate

I have a 5-series estate too (old one) which is pretty capacious but as with Rib Tickle an Aerotec, Suzuki 20 and all the boating gear takes up pretty well all the loadspace without any overnight gear never mind camping stuff.

This is fine for a day out but a roof box is essential for the rest of our luggage when on holiday.
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Old 26 October 2017, 10:23   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: leeds
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I've got a peugeo t 3008, quite big with 470l topbox. I can shoehorn in 12 foot inflatable kayak and kit, plus camping gear. I'm hoping that a larger top box and obviously not taking the kayak will do it. Going to be very expensive if I have to upgrade the car as well...
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Old 26 October 2017, 11:10   #23
Andy JC's Avatar
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To an extent, it comes down to how much camping gear you take. If it's basic stuff and a 2 man tent you should be ok. If it's the small empire that most families carry around with them these days then you won't get everything in. Don't need to upgrade the car (unlikely any car will carry all boating and family camping kit). A box trailer could be an option for you though.
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Old 27 October 2017, 20:57   #24
Biggy's Avatar
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I'll throw a spanner in the works now...
I started out with the Honwave t38ie, mine was the older model weighing in at 48kg, i believe the newer ones are slightly lighter (I'm sure someone on here will confirm if that's correct)
As funds were tight at the time, i purchased an old Suzuki DT9 smoker to pair with the honwave, To my astonishment myself and a friend onboard, both weighing in around the 85-90kg mark managed an impressive 21mph (gps reading)
Very little gear onboard though- just an anchor, food, drink and fuel.

As i got a few pennies together i bought a 15hp Suzuki 4 stroke, as said above, that weighed in at 44kg. The outboard performed great but i did suffer with a lot of bow rise which left the nipper feeling unsafe. I fitted a hydrofoil to the outboard and never had a problem again. Great set-up, great speed, loads of room....
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