Originally Posted by OddballNo3
I use feet because my country refuses to adopt a normal measuring system..
Didn't one of the NASA missions fail because different departments were using different units? Amazing that even the organisation that put people on the moon can't (or couldn't) standardise their operations.
Originally Posted by OddballNo3
I use metric as much as I can, but I still can't judge how long a meter is by thinking about it lol.
This is one of the problems, isn't it? Having that mental yardstick (metre-stick?) in your head. I can "think in" inches, but not in cm. Conversely, I always measure my weight in kg, and really can't get my head around stones and pounds (at least you guys in the US sensibly just use pounds and forgo the stones).
The UK has never made any real attempt to change from miles to km - that will be really difficult to do, because the conversion factor is 8/5 which not easy mental arithmetic. Of interest to people on this platform will be changing from nautical miles to km and from knots to km/hr, which would actually be easier, as, to a very rough approximation, the conversion factor is 2.
I always find it strange that aircraft, both civilian and military, still measure altitude in feet - there's something intractable about miles, but feet? We are actually supposed to have moved to metres, so you would expect very technical services like aircraft to have moved to SI. Perhaps, with the nature of flight being trans-national, there is a reticence do so in case we get problems similar to that of the NASA debacle.