Originally Posted by Brinormeg
Bet that was a bit of a clench moment Steve on ob cut out  but at least it was only a minor issue.
I do sometimes wonder when heading out a bit further and mainly in areas without any other boats, if an auxiliary is something we should consider.
Outwardly I was "cool, calm, collected" and under complete control - just to convince Diane that there wasn't a problem, inwardly I was thinking F..CK!!!!!
Never really thought about an auxiliary. There aren't that many places I go to where there isn't VHF or mobile coverage, either that or passing boats.
Originally Posted by smallribber
Looks a lovely trip out and a nice video.
We have been there a few times but I don’t think we have had quite the nice sea state you had. Did you land at old Harry as when we were there it was too rough
Stupidly it never occurred to me to go for a stroll on Old Harry, good excuse to go again.
Originally Posted by Fenlander
What great conditions for a trip there.
The conditions going there were very good but coming back it was windy. Fortunately the wind was with us so didn't create any problems until we got back to Mudeford (flags in the video 5.22) then it blew us all over the place!
Lovely trip and one I will certainly do again even though the coast along Bournemouth is a bit boring - sorry to those that live in Bournemouth!