Opinions on Defender 530 PVC
Hi Everyone,
New user here seeking some advice/opinions on the Defender 530 PVC. The boat is a 2011, is in good shape and is outfitted with a Tohatsu 50hp. My brother and I are aluminum boat owners but are looking for a good coast cruiser to use during our yearly trip to Santa Barbara (our folks live there). We had a 1988 Novurania RIB previously that we loved but it finally bit the dust with some unrepairable leaks.
The Defender is on a trailer, has aluminum floors and an inflatable keel. Would this boat be (reasonably) beach launchable? Any concerns with the performance, quality, etc? The boat would have relatively light use and only a few weeks per year. Mostly cruising up and down the coast fishing along the way.
The current owner is asking $6,100 for the set up, seems pretty reasonable but it is a SIB.
Thanks for your opinion and insight!