05 January 2016, 16:23
Country: USA
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Opinions Requested - Achilles LSI-310 vs LSR-310
I would appreciate opinions from those who have experience with modern Achilles Air Floor and/or Roll up Aluminum boats.
We are looking for a boat to bring with us in our RV for vacations. We spend time in San Diego, Mexico beaches, and lakes in Arizona and the Western US. The boat will be transported in an RV bay. I plan to put a used 8 hp Tohatsu or Evinrude/Johnson two stroke on it for power. We have two large dogs (retrievers) and will use the boat primarily for fun and fishing. Kids will take it out by themselves regularly so durability is a must.
Have had numerous fiberglass and aluminum boats, but never an inflatable, so would appreciate any suggestions. Achilles looks like a good bang for the buck, but open to other suggestions. Thank you for your time!
05 January 2016, 18:05
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Originally Posted by Kurt
I would appreciate opinions from those who have experience with modern Achilles Air Floor and/or Roll up Aluminum boats.
We are looking for a boat to bring with us in our RV for vacations. We spend time in San Diego, Mexico beaches, and lakes in Arizona and the Western US. The boat will be transported in an RV bay. I plan to put a used 8 hp Tohatsu or Evinrude/Johnson two stroke on it for power. We have two large dogs (retrievers) and will use the boat primarily for fun and fishing. Kids will take it out by themselves regularly so durability is a must.
Have had numerous fiberglass and aluminum boats, but never an inflatable, so would appreciate any suggestions. Achilles looks like a good bang for the buck, but open to other suggestions. Thank you for your time!
If you don't mind having a pile of floorboards when you're done, get the solid floor boat.
Air floor boats are kinda a PITA unless:
1.) You operate solo a lot (they're lighter)
2.) You put the boat in a tiny car truck
3.) You're trying to store the boat in a dockbox or a small shipboard locker
4.) You have to carry the boat large distances
5.) Your davit system is weight limited
Solid floor boats offer better performance and less maintenance. Spilled gasoline, bottle caps, sand, dirt, twigs...all of these things will kill an air floor, but solid floor panels are mostly unaffected. Not to mention, solid floor boats have bigger HP ratings and feel a LOT more rigid.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
05 January 2016, 18:56
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Air floor boat - open up. Inflate from electric pump. Put boat in water.
Hard floor boat - spend 20 minutes trying to hammer the boards into guides to get everything lined up right, then inflate.
05 January 2016, 19:35
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 50
Thank you for the comments. If you look on the Achilles website, the LSR has an aluminum floor that stays in the boat and rolls up with the boat. They say you don't have to put it in and take it out of the boat for use and storage. I haven't heard from anyone that has actually used one though, so I'm hesitant to consider it. I don't see other manufacturers using that same system though, could be for a reason...
05 January 2016, 20:26
Country: USA
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LSi vs LSR
Kurt- You are correct the LSR model Achilles do not require removal for packing up the boat. the floor is designed to stay in place. The floor does flex more than a traditional hard deck as it has no stringers but set up time is far less.
15 January 2016, 20:29
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 50
Has anyone even looked at an Achilles LSR???
16 January 2016, 00:32
Country: USA
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Yes I worked on one today
16 January 2016, 02:41
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
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Posts: 50
If you don't mind, what did you think of the floor setup? I would probably sell my jon boat and use this occasionally for duck hunting, which can be tough on a boat. Do you think it would be a good option verses the air floor? If you want to email me privately, please feel free to at kvw135@yahoo.com. Thank you,
16 January 2016, 14:34
Country: USA
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I would not recommend an air floor for duck hunting. You are likely to damage the floor hauling gear in and out, decoys, anchor, guns, etc. the roll up aluminum floor would be much more durable and stand up better for your application.
16 January 2016, 15:30
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 50
Thank you all for your answers!
26 January 2016, 12:09
Country: USA
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I happen to own the spd310 with aluminum floor. I also spent the extra 800 bucks and bought the hypalon lsi floor for it too. The spd,lsi, and lsr are all the exact same boat. The floors are all interchangeable. This is what I can tell you about running it with an 8hp Yamaha 2 stroke. It will plane with more weight when I have the aluminum floor than the air floor. The air floor wants to bend when loaded. The air floor is more comfortable to use in big swells because it is easy on the knees. It is also way easier to setup. You also have to be careful setting up the aluminum floor because you could easily scratch or puncture the hypalon. Achilles hypalon is extremely thin in the three models I have listed. With that being said I prefer both of them that's why I bought them both. Life is to short to only have one option.
27 January 2016, 02:00
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 50
Thank you Gwozhog! Nice to know you can switch floors. My setup will be similar to yours. I ordered the LSR-310 from Defender and a set of dingy wheels from Danard. Also just picked up a really nice Tohatsu two stroke 8hp to hang on the back. Take care,
28 January 2016, 03:42
Country: USA
Town: Point Blank,TX
Boat name: Just Blown
Make: Achilles 2 of them
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 8&15hp Nissan 15
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 43
Originally Posted by Kurt
Thank you Gwozhog! Nice to know you can switch floors. My setup will be similar to yours. I ordered the LSR-310 from Defender and a set of dingy wheels from Danard. Also just picked up a really nice Tohatsu two stroke 8hp to hang on the back. Take care,
I would get the wheels from defender. You might have to drill through the hypalon with the danards. Here is a review I did of them.
28 January 2016, 14:07
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Not having used either of these boats I was going to merely comment on solid vs air-floor. These days a good air-floor I believe is much better performing than a solid SIB floor, certainly at speed... and they are remarkably durable from what I am now told.
However, when you mentioned duck hunting...!... I would not want to go out shooting from my air-floor, I'd much prefer a flat, stable, durable aluminium floor for that! That little nugget of information seals the deal pretty quickly for me.
29 January 2016, 03:26
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 50
Nice review Gwozhog! Our wheels are in already and boat should be in tomorrow so I'll check out how they will mount.
Stigomery, I'm hoping the rollup aluminum floor is very easy to use. If not, can always purchase an air-floor for the boat like Gwozhog did and use it for the "normal" activities.
Thanks all!
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