17 December 2018, 17:07
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Over 15' SIB Reccomendations
Hello all, long time lurker - first time poster. I have a question for the community here as i am sorta at a crossroad. I have noticed that there seems to be three groups of people here. The first group is those that think the premium brands (Zodiac, etc..) are the only way to go, and you get what you pay for. The second group will swear that there is no difference with the brands as if you buy a no name boats for 1/3 or 1/2 of the price of a premium brand you come out better as the other 2/3's or 1/2 money that would have been spent on the premium, 5-8 years ago can now be spent on a new discount whatever. And then finally then we have the third group whom are lurkers like myself and like to read what everybody has to say about every brand. I have fished fiberglass boats my whole life and i am considering a SIB for my next purchase - I have read on all the most common brands, and my question is one that leans towards the "generic" brand boat - I have found a company in Canada that some of you here are familiar with - It's the Stryker brand - they offer a boat in the size that i am looking for (approx. 17') - seems to be extremely well made and mostly is exactly what i want. Additionally as with all purchases of a "toy" that we buy - there are tradeoff's there's being the higher price that i just can't swallow as it approaches actual "premium" brand prices - they definitely have the edge as it pertains to durability and excellent design. I also have seen the Saturn brand of boats at the other end of the spectrum - 18' long - decent layout, great price, but doesn't seem as durable or as well thought out (no double floor, no reinforcements, etc..) Does anyone here have a unknown brand that might be someplace in the middle that will get me a boat - that is better engineered than the Saturn - but without the Stryker price? Thanks for the help in advance..
17 December 2018, 17:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Up North and right a bit
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Length: 5m +
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Over 15' SIB Reccomendations
No idea on brands but 5m plus is waay too big for a sib, it’ll be a limp banana, unless it’s a military grade Zodiac. Too big to manhandle/carry and suitable motors too heavy etc. Need a trailer.
What’s the point. Just get a hard hull/rib.
17 December 2018, 17:51
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Like Chipko I'd query what use would make a SIB as long as 17-18ft your choice? Are you thinking air or alloy floor... I assume used with a trailer? Wonder what HP outboard you're thinking of?
Re the forum camps I've a foot in both really. For our own needs I've chosen a particular Zodiac/Bombard because of the specific hull design but generally would advise in the UK that a Chinese made budget SIB backed by a decent brand such as Honda Honwave makes huge sense.
BTW welcome to the forum.
17 December 2018, 18:24
Country: Other
Town: Every Where
Boat name: Milenium Buzzard
Make: Proline
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
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Posts: 19
Thanks for the response - Over 15' is what I am interested in, - Aluminum transom, and aluminum floor preferred - not a RIB (otherwise why not use what i got?) I am interested in a SIB as i want to be able to store it easily when not in use. Horsepower is not an issue - I will get whatever the boat is rated for. I also prefer not to get off topic here - I'm not trying to be snippy but my question are not of "if" i want a SIB, or if i am open to shorter vessels. My question is as it relates to a generic or budget branded SIB 15' being the shortest .. Thanks again for the help
17 December 2018, 18:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Up North and right a bit
Make: XS500/Merc340/Bic245
Length: 5m +
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Over 15' SIB Reccomendations
Fair enough. Apologies for my off topic, not ‘if’ response.
Also not intending to be ‘sniffy’ but my real advice is...5m plus is just too damn big for a sib, whatever the make.
17 December 2018, 19:01
Country: Other
Town: Every Where
Boat name: Milenium Buzzard
Make: Proline
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by chipko
Fair enough. Apologies for my off topic, not ‘if’ response.
Also not intending to be ‘sniffy’ but my real advice is...5m plus is just too damn big for a sib, whatever the make.
Thanks for the response - I have seen the video's on the Stryker site - they appear to handle quite well. I am not sure if linking other sites is ok or not - So to the mods - if i am violating any rules please feel free to remove link.. www.strykerboats.com/collections/hunter-x-series/products/stryker-hunter-jet-x500
17 December 2018, 19:03
Country: Other
Town: Every Where
Boat name: Milenium Buzzard
Make: Proline
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 19
Am looking for a more cost effective option to the Stryker 16.4 but better made than the Saturn 18
17 December 2018, 19:49
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by chipko
No idea on brands but 5m plus is waay too big for a sib, it’ll be a limp banana, unless it’s a military grade Zodiac. Too big to manhandle/carry and suitable motors too heavy etc. Need a trailer.
What’s the point. Just get a hard hull/rib.
Chipko has this spot-on. Imho from experience even 4m is too big, heavy and compromised. Too much physical risk to carry and effort to assemble. Ours spent more time stored in my garage than the rib that replaced it. Afterward I had to clean and dry it off before I could bag it what a faff. I would only consider a SIB if no possibility to store a trailer, probably 3.6m would be my choice. If a rib was too expensive I would go for a second hand rib instead of new sib. I'd also consider a Boston Whaler.
Check out the thread 'Problems with Avon 4.60 Supersport on Plane' and the 'Saturn 385' which has buckling issues. Not good.
17 December 2018, 20:07
Country: Other
Town: Every Where
Boat name: Milenium Buzzard
Make: Proline
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by Limecc
Chipko has this spot-on. Imho from experience even 4m is too big, heavy and compromised. Too much physical risk to carry and effort to assemble. Ours spent more time stored in my garage than the rib that replaced it. Afterward I had to clean and dry it off before I could bag it what a faff. I would only consider a SIB if no possibility to store a trailer, probably 3.6m would be my choice. If a rib was too expensive I would go for a second hand rib instead of new sib. I'd also consider a Boston Whaler.
Check out the thread 'Problems with Avon 4.60 Supersport on Plane' and the 'Saturn 385' which has buckling issues. Not good.
Thanks all - for the welcomes and advice - but i ask once again - Can we please stay on topic?? This was not a thread to debate what length of boat is best, or if there is a better boat for my intended purpose - there are thousands of those here already - This thread is very specific as to my question.. Thanks.....
17 December 2018, 20:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Nottinghamshire
Make: Ranieri 15
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki DF50
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 1,281
Originally Posted by GTgamo
Once again - Can we PLEASE stay on topic?? This was not a thread to suggest what your opinion is - there are thousands of those here already - This thread is very specific as to my question.. Thanks.....
Mods please feel free to delete my posts so we can keep this thread on-topic please?
17 December 2018, 20:20
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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Posts: 9,099
You'll have to relax a little GTgamo. There is excellent experience on this forum and a little thread wander will often contain really useful information... if not totally specific to you it may be a great resource for others to look up in the future.
With 11 posts so far you're lucky we aren't already on 2-stroke vs 4-stroke!
Can I flip this a little. Because we rarely have folks wanting a SIB much above 4m on here it would be great info sharing to know if you intend to trailer and what storage advantage it might give you over a hard boat... what is its particular use etc. It may also help us to know which of your potential SIB choices (re quality, build type, features etc) would suit whatever its use would be.
17 December 2018, 20:24
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembrokeshire
Make: Avon EA16
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Avon EA16
17 December 2018, 21:50
Country: UK - England
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Length: 5m +
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So far you’ve given no clues as to what type of use, inland/coastal waters, load capacity or even what planet your from.
Judging from the makes quoted assume your US/Canada based.
Have you looked at the Mercury Quicksilver HD470
Hopefully some members from your side of the pond may be along with more relevant advice. The very large sibs are not that common over here, and not well suited to our coastal waters with typical UK short chop and swell...plus our small vehicles of course!
Good luck with your quest.
18 December 2018, 09:46
Country: UK - England
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have a look on the thread achilles sgx 122 vs defender 380 some manufacturer site links on there personally having owned a 5 m sib and driven an 11m sib i see where your coming from and it fits in with what your needs are.
mercury/ quicksilver do a 4.70 m boat as do others
18 December 2018, 10:02
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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I think I'd agree if you can't justify a Zodiac Milpro SIB and are wary of a basic Chinese one like the Saturn have a look at the Mercury 4.7m as it's well proven and backed by a major company.
As far as I can see the Stryker is a generic (Chinese?) SIB with a few interesting but not essential design features (some I'd rather not have) and loads of boys toys "bits" stuck on it to justify it's massive price. It looks as if you could get 3 Saturns for the price of a Stryker??
The Stryker does have the stand out feature of thermowelded tubes but remember the floor, protection patches and transom will still be glued so the first point of failure. I'd also wonder if wherever it's made do they have enough experience of thermowelding yet... Zodiac have decades of experience with this.
19 December 2018, 14:58
Country: Other
Town: Every Where
Boat name: Milenium Buzzard
Make: Proline
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 19
Thanks all for the suggestion as they relate to the AVON and Mercury options, does anyone here have any approximate idea on cost for these options? - As far as why do i want a sib - well as explained originally - A sib compared to rib - A sib can be folded and stored/transported - in a box, a rib by design - cannot. Why do i need to fit my watercraft in a box. Well if i owned a C-130 - i wouldn't need a sib or a rib - as I'd put one of my exiting fiberglass boats and trailer in the cargo bay. Will i trailer this sib, I'm not sure yet, a trailer may, or may not be needed, that depends on the inflation method that i go with after finding a suitable vessel. As it relates to a MilPro Zodiac - Ok - sure - can someone here tell me where i could purchase a new one for 3K US? I'll even bust my budget by 1K, and pay a finders fee. (As would anyone else.) I'd love to own one, just like i'd love to own a Bugatti - but there is a large price difference between a budget pvc boat for 2-3K US, as opposed to a Zodiac MilPro that starts at 20K US.
19 December 2018, 15:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Up North and right a bit
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Length: 5m +
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Posts: 1,187
Originally Posted by GTgamo
Thanks all for the suggestion as they relate to the AVON and Mercury options, does anyone here have any approximate idea on cost for these options?
Well if i owned a C-130 - i wouldn't need a sib or a rib - as I'd put one of my exiting fiberglass boats and trailer in the cargo bay.
Will i trailer this sib, I'm not sure yet, a trailer may, or may not be needed, that depends on the inflation method that i go with after finding a suitable vessel
Sorry, no idea on Mercury costs in whichever country your based. Know exactly how much I'd need to pay in the UK. They are US based so should be relatively easy to contact a dealer.
Rather than a C-130 you'd be better off with a Chinook and just drop it straight into the sea/lake/river/pond.
Interested how you envisage launching a sib of this magnitude without a trailer. With a 470 tipping the scales at 160kg and suitable tiller controlled 50hp motor at around 110kg, add some fuel and basic kit and you'll soon be over 350kg.
Think I'd need a platoon to assist launching.
19 December 2018, 17:11
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
I'm happy to accept you want a SIB rather than a GRP RIB with console and a lot of kit fitted so you have easier storage and handling at the waterside/launching etc... but if you were going to trailer there might be merit in an alloy hull lightweight RIB with tiller outboard which can weigh as little as a SIB... is very durable and easier to store than a full blown RIB. In fact if you happen to use a large pickup it may be possible to carry such an alloy hull craft on a purpose made loadspace/roof rack and not need a trailer.
I know Milpro are huge prices but from your initial comments I was just saying it appeared you were to drawn to such a craft (as you liked the Stryker type) and they are the ultimate SIB to perform at the lengths you are considering... I think many of us are concerned any lesser brand... and particularly the very cheapest... might not be entirely satisfactory at these lengths.
You can easily find the prices of any make/model by using Google from you home country/area... we don't know where you are located.
Is the amount £3k US you mention your budget for the boat... that Stryker is double that I think??
Regarding the possibility of folks advising you on SIB choice we do need to know the type of use... inland lake, sea etc. How many folks... or how much gear gear... you will carry and type of trips... a few hours at the beach... hunting trips... several days wild camping??
In fact would a Jon boat suit your need? Cheapish... go better than a SIB for any given outboard size... very rugged... easy to store??
20 December 2018, 15:09
Country: USA
Town: kansas city
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 117
Originally Posted by GTgamo
Thanks all for the suggestion as they relate to the AVON and Mercury options, does anyone here have any approximate idea on cost for these options? - As far as why do i want a sib - well as explained originally - A sib compared to rib - A sib can be folded and stored/transported - in a box, a rib by design - cannot. Why do i need to fit my watercraft in a box. Well if i owned a C-130 - i wouldn't need a sib or a rib - as I'd put one of my exiting fiberglass boats and trailer in the cargo bay. Will i trailer this sib, I'm not sure yet, a trailer may, or may not be needed, that depends on the inflation method that i go with after finding a suitable vessel. As it relates to a MilPro Zodiac - Ok - sure - can someone here tell me where i could purchase a new one for 3K US? I'll even bust my budget by 1K, and pay a finders fee. (As would anyone else.) I'd love to own one, just like i'd love to own a Bugatti - but there is a large price difference between a budget pvc boat for 2-3K US, as opposed to a Zodiac MilPro that starts at 20K US.
Where are you located? Your initial post neglected to mention a budget of $3k for a new SIB.
In the USA you can sometimes find surplus zodiac milpro sibs for your budget (without motor/trailer usually) or find one that needs some glue work and go from there. My brother in law owns a zodiac mk3 that needs a seam re-glued that would fall in your budget.
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