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Old 28 September 2015, 03:18   #1
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Owning a RIB and a SIB

Does anyone own both a RIB and a SIB?

I have a 14-ft RIB, and it's great for fishing. However, the launch ramps around me a pretty busy, and if I want good parking I have to wake up at 4:30am, and when I am all done washing and storing the RIB into the garage, it would be around 3pm. And then I have to clean all the fish .... that's a lot of work.

I am thinking of getting a used small SIB (8~10ft) when I want to go out by myself. Will an air floor be quick to set up and store? Since it's smaller I guess it would be a lot quicker to wash?

I also considered kayaks but after watching videos of people fishing in the ocean that's kind of scary to me.
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Old 28 September 2015, 03:38   #2
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I used to, but only because the SIB wouldn't sell.

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Old 28 September 2015, 08:49   #3
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I doubt it takes much less time to wash a small rib than a big one.

Setting up will not counter balance any saving.
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Old 02 October 2015, 22:07   #4
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I can park a distance from the water and wheel my SIB to the launching area, which may be beneficial if parking is a problem.

Also l can launch anywhere, within reason (no need for launching ramp)

But l do have to assemble the boat next to the car, which takes 20 minutes.

So it's swings and roundabouts.
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Old 03 October 2015, 12:28   #5
Country: UK - England
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RIB's usually the more capable boat on the water. SIB's usually less hassle the rest of the time. If you deflate the SIB for transport, you need to re-inflate it to hose it down. If you have a RIB on a trailer you can just hose it down when you get home. If you have a RIB on a trailer, you need to grease the wheel bearings after launching in salt water. Pros and cons. Whichever you have, you will sometimes want the other. If you had both, you would sometimes want a different size.
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