Originally Posted by Fenlander
Unless of course development sees a 26kg 10hp 4-stroke in 10yrs.
I wait that day too Fenlander..but until then.. Im happy with a 36kg boat and 26kg 6HP four stroke ..which planes no problem... one up. So you may want to consider a wee boat each for yourself and your good wifie..if they dont develop one in time.
I agree with Willk...well he is always right ..

But although Im certain the Frib would plane with 2 folks.. I know from both my 3.3 and 6 HP experiences..it doesnt take too many KG of weight extra baggage ..to bog them down.
The F-Rib 360 and 15hp would be awesome..no airfloors ...etc..but still an awkward lump of kit to move alone...especially across remote stone beaches off the west of Scotland