09 July 2024, 20:12
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Max...
…but then I only inflate the blooming thing about once a year! 
Oh I hear ya. I'm still Willing, but the Opportunity isn't there...
10 July 2024, 00:16
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Y'all got some weird phobias. The way I have always filled my boat before departing the house is with a 60 gallon (220L) 150psi (10.3421bar (Seriously?)) air compressor. That is what boat tube pressure gauges are for! Plus learning what correct pressure feels like. Not like the tubes will go zero to 20psi in a matter of seconds. Also use my compressor for bicycle tires. Works great for car and trailer tires even.
I set my scuba regulators to not creep higher than about 140psi (9.65bar). With the Zodiac I would always bring a manual pump, except when scuba diving as I have an awesome "Save A Boat Dive Kit" that has a blow gun and a valve adapter. Pressure gauge for the tubes gets things perfect...
My 5,000psi (345bar) scuba compressor is only used to pump 32% oxygen, so that is what would get used for top ups with the Zodiac. I've been known to run my high pressure scuba tanks at 4,200psi (290bar) *shrugs* far below hydro test pressures.
The current AB RIB always has a manual pump and an electric pump onboard, but I always fill from my garage air compressor for performing repairs, or upon departing for a nice day on the water.
10 July 2024, 10:12
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
Y'all got some weird phobias. The way I have always filled my boat before departing the house is with a 60 gallon (220L) 150psi (10.3421bar (Seriously?)) air compressor. That is what boat tube pressure gauges are for! Plus learning what correct pressure feels like. Not like the tubes will go zero to 20psi in a matter of seconds. Also use my compressor for bicycle tires. Works great for car and trailer tires even.
Yep, that would be my thinking also.
A little cigarette packet Bolyes Law maths and even a large dive cylinder would translate to only about 2BAR in a typical sized single tube. Still too high, but you'd have to be napping to overdo it, imo. Less risky if the tubes are daisy-chained to all fill at once too.
10 July 2024, 10:22
Country: UK - England
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So when I asked my diving m8 about this, the first thing he said, when I said my tube inflates to 0.25 bar, is, in that case I mean 1.25 bar.
I spose that's factually correct? 1 bar is sea level air pressure, right? But my tube valve, and my Ititwitwitwattytwat digital pump, go with 0.25 bar. My m8 does love a bit of the old pedantry, it's true.
10 July 2024, 11:32
Country: Ireland
Boat name: 380S
Make: Yamaha
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda BF15
Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 446
Yep, the 1BAR is a given, unless you're doing it up a mountain, under the sea, or in a vacuum. It's 0.25 BAR over atmospheric pressure.
10 July 2024, 11:53
RIBnet admin team
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Re the Bravo dual stage HP pumps if you are partial to a nice shade of turquoise this is a very good price under £120...
10 July 2024, 15:46
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Croolis
My m8 does love a bit of the old pedantry, it's true.
Typical BARoom lawyer....
11 July 2024, 09:05
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 292
You know, I went to my sailing club last night to do safety boat duty (reservoirs, not sailed once in nearly a year, lol, have practically forgotten how to do it) and I was in the boat with an old boy who had loads of diving experience. Spent hour and a half being regaled with stories about Scarpa Flow and underwater motorcycles and locomotives in the Red Sea, and being backup air carrier for crazy-arse diving potholers. Was all very interesting  .
11 July 2024, 09:13
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by Croolis
and underwater motorcycles and locomotives in the Red Sea
That will be the Thistlegorm. I dived her back in '91 before the worst of the pillaging began. It was quite a surreal experience - like being in a TV documentary.
11 July 2024, 13:21
Country: UK - England
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We used to have a 3l cylinder on teh boat for this exact job. Had a 1st stage on and a gun effect on the end of a hose.
This gun fitted the inflator hose and allowed us to top up or initial inflate in the morning, only so far, and we used a foot pump for the last few psi as required.
Stopped using it now as new tubes removed the need.
18 July 2024, 11:44
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 27
right. a set of scuba regs on the secondary side if low pressure the inflator hose for the BCD is the best option. just make up a hose with a gauge on it. simples. you wont do damage. its no different than any air pump
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