Havn't been on here for a while as I bought a Cornish Cutter Yacht in the end instead of a RIB but I am buying a 1994 Avon R280 to use as a tender and wondered what you use to protect the tubes. I just want to play and polish it really
I love the old Avons, never had one before, can't get excited about Wavelines etc...
It will be deflated at home and on the main boat so any material covering will probly just get in the way so a polish of some sort would be good.
I could also do with a cheap 12V inflator if anyone knows of one. I have one for the car for it's tyres if it is suitable and can be adapted - what do you think? Should you have some kind of pressure gauge with them? What pressure should it be, don't want to blow the blimmen thing up!
I hope it will row against a 3 knot tide for 100 yards. I have a 3.5HP Tohatsu but thats a hassle for such a short distance.
Thanks for the help...