31 January 2008, 11:14
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Quicksilver 340 Sport or a Honda T3.2??
I'm currently trying to decide which of the above 2 sibs to buy.
A couple of years back I had a Zodiac 340 fastroller but sold it on due to poor build quality (punctured reeaally easily  ) and thought I'd swap it in for a Walkerbay Genesis.
The problem with the Genesis is that although it's the FTL (folding transom light) version it's still a little heavy and won't plane 4up with my 3 yrs old Johnson 15hp 2 strk. The Zodiac Cadet would easily plane with 4 adults and as it's usually 4 of us that go out this is an important requirement.
The dilema I have is to either go for the QS 340 sport (solid floor) which is heavier and so may not plane 4up, or the Honda T3.2 (air floor) which is lighter but wouldn't provide such a solid ride.
As the QS would be my preference, can anybody tell me whether it will be likely to plane with 4 adults or possibly offer any advice on the matter?
Thanks in advance
31 January 2008, 11:20
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I have the Quicksilver 3.1 sport with a solid floor and a Suzuki 15hp 4 stroke. It will easily plane with 3 adults and 2 liittle kids. The trick is to have someone hanging over the bow until it's on the plane and then move back. With just 3 adults it's no problem. Your engine will be lighter as well.
Build quality seems fine and it's great fun!!!
01 February 2008, 08:52
Country: UK - England
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That’s good to hear, if yours planes with 3 adults and 2 kids I guess that equates to 4 adults.
Although the 340 is only a few kgs more than the 310 there will be more boat touching the water causing a little more drag, do you think this will slow the boat down or as it's slightly bigger/buoyant and sitting further out of the water work in my favour?
I know it seems like a slightly insignificant issue but you all know how frustrating it is to have a boat that won't quite plane  compared to a boat that just about planes
01 February 2008, 11:28
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I think the QS 340 will be just about OK but you will have to put someone forward until it's on the plane as Codprawn suggested. But for the difference it will make to your boating, I would definately go for the solid floor in preference to the air floor (even if it means trading in your motor for a 20hp!).
Or sell your current set up and go for this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...m=160174242987
That boat/motor look like a steal to me and would easily plane with 6 adults!
01 February 2008, 15:00
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for that Trickdog.
The problem for me is that the boat and engine sometimes have to be carried up a (steep) pebble beach with just my girlfriend and the kids
I've also recently had a 4.2m Futura with a 30hp Yam which although went well it was impossible to move up the beach unless there were 3 or more blokes present.
I know the Honda it about 12kg lighter so should be easier to move but I would prefer the QS because when I'm out with the lads it tends to get a bit of a beating and the solid floor should handle it better.
I would consider a 20hp but most of them are just de-tuned 25 or 30hp's so as far as weight is concerned they're same. An 18hp Tohatsu would be a good compromise but used ones are like rocking horse sh*t to find.
01 February 2008, 15:18
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Originally Posted by Andyboy
Thanks for that Trickdog.
The problem for me is that the boat and engine sometimes have to be carried up a (steep) pebble beach with just my girlfriend and the kids
I've also recently had a 4.2m Futura with a 30hp Yam which although went well it was impossible to move up the beach unless there were 3 or more blokes present.
I know the Honda it about 12kg lighter so should be easier to move but I would prefer the QS because when I'm out with the lads it tends to get a bit of a beating and the solid floor should handle it better.
I would consider a 20hp but most of them are just de-tuned 25 or 30hp's so as far as weight is concerned they're same. An 18hp Tohatsu would be a good compromise but used ones are like rocking horse sh*t to find.
Maybe I could help with this I had a Quicksilver 340 with a yamaha malta could not get on the plane . I swopped the engine for a 15hp yam,it got on the plane easily with 4 adults in the boat, but was too heavy.
I changed it for a wetline 310 airdeck and use the malta engine,the differences and reason for change came down mainly to ease of use, two kids can lift the whole thing up a beach so no worrying about tides, it is less stable but only marginally so. same engine on each boat twice the speed with the airdeck.
01 February 2008, 15:21
Country: UK - England
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How about putting some transom wheels on it? I had them on a previous 3.8m SIB and it was a breeze to move... Just like pushing a wheelbarrow! I imagine they would have worked fine on your Futura.
01 February 2008, 15:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by IBWET
I swopped the engine for a 15hp yam,it got on the plane easily with 4 adults in the boat, but was too heavy.
Sorry, can you clarify what you mean here, do you mean it was too heavy to carry or too heavy to plane?
Trickdog, I had transom wheels on it but with a total weight of around 140kg it was still impossible to push it up the beach (nearly 45 degree angle) as the wheels just dug in - even though they were large pneumatic tyres
I've tried all sorts of combinations to try and find the balance of boat that will plane with 4 adults and a boat that can be moved up the beach by only 2. I'm currenty on my 5 boat in 3 years so instead of buying either of the 2 boats above I thought I might seek advice from people on here that may have owned either one.
I'ts a shame you can't test-drive inflatable boats, it would have saved me a lot of time and money rather than having to suck-up and see
01 February 2008, 16:02
Country: UK - Wales
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Push the boat up the beach??? Surely you should have pulled it instead???
I was going to suggest the Tohatsu 18 - same weight as the 15hp.
I find the 3.1 very easy to manhandle - the 3.4 can't be much worse. The solid floor makes a hell of a difference and it doesn't take that long to assemble once you get the hang of it. If you buy the 3.4 and it won't plane you can always swop it for my 3.1 - seriously!!!
Remember my suzuki 15hp is a 4 stroke and a heavy lump.
01 February 2008, 16:17
Country: UK - England
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01 February 2008, 19:05
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 379
Originally Posted by Trickdog
Would LOVE one of those!!
Bit out of my price range me thinks
Codders; we've tried pushing, pulling, lifting, even tried a electric winch(takes too long) it's amazing how heavy a small boat becomes when you're trying to get it up a steep incline, especially when the pebbles fall away from under your feet
I spoke to a local dealer earlier who said he could offer me either boat with a 10% discount from the tail end of the boat show. I'm pretty sold on the QS 340 sport, he said he could do one for £650 inc vat which sounds pretty good to me, does that sound like a good price?
01 February 2008, 20:20
Country: UK - Wales
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Yes it does but I had mine with wheels and engine - used 3 times with receipts for £1,200 - still don't believe it the engine is worth far more on it's own!!!
01 February 2008, 21:33
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Originally Posted by Andyboy
I'm pretty sold on the QS 340 sport, he said he could do one for £650 inc vat which sounds pretty good to me, does that sound like a good price?
It does, but it might be worth checking with malthouse who is a trade member here as he does some good prices on Quicksilver boats.
01 February 2008, 22:22
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
It does, but it might be worth checking with malthouse who is a trade member here as he does some good prices on Quicksilver boats.
Cheers for the mention John.
650.00 for the 3.4m Sport is a very good price indeed, so long as it includes delivery and vat.
If it does not, come back to me and we can talk turkey.
01 February 2008, 23:14
Country: UK - England
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Cheers Malthouse
As it's alocal dealer delivery shouldn't be a issue and I'm fairly sure it includes VAT.
If not, Turkey we will talk, with all the trimmings
02 February 2008, 07:15
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Originally Posted by Andyboy
Sorry, can you clarify what you mean here, do you mean it was too heavy to carry or too heavy to plane?
Getting on the plane was easy for this combo, (standard prop) even with 4 adults and as a guess could do 24knts?. It was to heavy to lift and carry by one bloke and his wife which I need to be able to do.
The price you were quoted is a good one, the QS I had was very well made much better than the wetline and that is smaller, not as well made and around that price.
02 February 2008, 07:45
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Originally Posted by Andyboy
A couple of years back I had a Zodiac 340 fastroller but sold it on due to poor build quality (punctured reeaally easily  )
There was me believing the build quality on a Zodiac didn't come much better, certainly in the smaller RIB/SIB market.
Is it possible you just had a Friday afternoon special, Andyboy?
Or has anyone else had problems with Zodiac build quality?
02 February 2008, 13:27
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Why not get the QS 3.4 air deck & also buy the solid floor for when you go out with the boys & want it stiffer
I always wanted a QS 3.4 air deck with a Yamie 15 hp 2s but ended up with a Bombard 3.8 Airotec which has proved great!
For me I wanted light wight over stiffens as I have to cart it around on my Jack Jones & mine weighs in at 77kg boat & Yamie 15 hp engine!
How about this http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/F170134 & get the wooden floor to go in it!
03 February 2008, 06:14
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Why not get the QS 3.4 air deck & also buy the solid floor for when you go out with the boys & want it stiffer 
Excellent idea Nick! In my case, I could use the airdeck for the Thames, where it's calm and I'd be launching for the day, and the stiff deck for Salcombe, where it gets choppier and I'd keep it in the water for a couple of weeks or so.
Next question - what is the largest SIB you can buy where you can use an air deck and a hard deck?
3.4 would be a bit small for me, but does your Bombard 3.8 take a hard deck also?
03 February 2008, 14:48
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Lordy
Excellent idea Nick! In my case, I could use the airdeck for the Thames, where it's calm and I'd be launching for the day, and the stiff deck for Salcombe, where it gets choppier and I'd keep it in the water for a couple of weeks or so.
Next question - what is the largest SIB you can buy where you can use an air deck and a hard deck?
3.4 would be a bit small for me, but does your Bombard 3.8 take a hard deck also?
No it dose not come with a hard floor but I really do not think it needs it!
Both my brother in laws have 3.8m with hard floor & the only difference is they need a 25hp to keep up with me in my 3.8 with a 15hp
& then it is bumpy they get a hard & uncomfortable ride as the floor hurts your bum!
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