Hello guys and gals, first post on this here forum. I am a newbie to the forum, but not to the world of boating. I have been reading info on here for a little while, lurking in the wings, but now, after much searching, and to no avail, need to see if any one of you knowledgeable people have the answer that I cannot find....!?!?!?!
Been on or in the water most of my life, should have been a fish. In 2008, I bought a Quicksilver 380HD, with a Mercury 25hp 2/s. Absolutely loved it. Amazing bit of kit.
But SWMBO, said we needed something with a bit more comfort, and more importantly, some seats to sit on, for the our 3 children. So, I regrettably sold it, and bought a 23' Fletcher, with a 200hp V6 Yamaha.....!

Good god almighty, that thing leapt out of the hole, like the proverbial off a very slippery stick...
That did not last long, as it was just too costly, and we started using it less and less. So that got sold again,and for a while, I was reduced to just kayaking and paddle boarding on the surface......!

All the while, I really regretted selling the quicksilver.
The other day, I was in the right place at the VERY right time, and managed to bag myself another QS 380HD.

I have a 10hp Mariner 2/s, so this will push it along lovely for now.
Now to my query, after that longer than expected story...!
Is my QS 380HD, pvc or hypalon??? I have searched and searched, but cannot find a definitive answer. I have both serial numbers from both boats, but that does not come up with anything. Some say about the logo between the strake and above it, but that is conflicting, some have mentioned about the floor being ali or ply, again, conflicting....!
Please help, and thanks for getting this far without falling asleep...