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Old 06 July 2020, 12:19   #61
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Looking good there Mate!
Great you can use you're old Kit again!...Coluor scheme matches nicely too
The fact that the V traverses the whole length of the Hull....I think may will give you a pleasant surprise as to softness of ride/landing off of waves.
It'll be interesting to hear how she handles in different conditions comparison to the SIB ...a step up for sure!
I said to Matt h it wouldn't take a lot to make the forward Locker completely sealed and water the addition of a seal
The very best of Luck with Her Donny I'm sure you'll have some geat times and plenty more adventures
Keep us posted
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Old 06 July 2020, 17:20   #62
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Hi Donny

Glad you like it,.
They do go very well and not slappy in any way as I've taken mine into some pretty choppy stuff. You dont get that wallowing movement as you do a sib it goes where you want it to go.
Will be interested to see how it goes with your engine, 380 with the 20 merc i can get to 23 kts with a 10 pitch however i can reach the rev limiter so a 12 pitch should sort that with a higher top speed.
Look forward to seeing some action pics
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Old 07 July 2020, 09:23   #63
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Hi Matt h and Maximus .. yup..Im very hopeful she handles the chop well..and Im absolutely certain she will fly with just me on board and the 25HP two stroke .. but Im hoping for better fuel consumption so happy to cruise at lower speeds similar to the SIB

Glad you enjoy the thread Moorsman. Its why I had to act very quickly once I found the glue going in the Gurnards transom. I knew this was the last boat of this size available until things settle with viruses around the world and more boats arrive. It was the ability to keep my outboard that really clinched the deal for me as £3k for such a lovely setup is great value for me.

Speaking of outboards ...its lovely to get a well designed boat suitable for a shortshaft. The transom height is 16.5” and my Mariner is 17.2 inches without packing the AC plate will run just a tad more than half an inch below transom.. .which is great. Later on..when trimming her a ½” packing will get it level..then I can drill and bolt the outboard on at the best level for this boat. Even the OB colour complements my “Go Faster” colour scheme.

For info..the old Gurnard cockpit is now fixed in place. The batons are bolted to transom..sikaflexed to floor..and the front is lashed to the aluminium floor. I drilled 6 holes in the ali floor and there is no metal to metal contact anywhere ..yeah. Ok I did a bit of a lashup with nylon rope but will do a better job when I get more time. However the console will not move an inch..the last setup lasted 7 years.. only lashed to the old floorboards

So here is the complete Grey Gurnard cockpit ..and its home from home as its built from old boat.

I will finish off putting in the transducer then pack the boat ready for the off. My going to wander the wilderness for a couple of days..trying her out and getting peace and quiet away from political programs .. noisy people ..and viruses. In other words..Im heading for my paradise.
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Old 07 July 2020, 09:33   #64
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that'll look the dogs boll--s with the red bow dodger/cuddy donny best to get a sea trial before finishing as you're doing
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Old 07 July 2020, 13:22   #65
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Looking good Donny your fuel consumption should be less as more streamlined than an inflatable and less drag, i know mies a different engine but uses so little fuel worst 8 litres all day at varying speeds over 33 miles which is a reasonable distance.
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Old 07 July 2020, 14:19   #66
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Hi Jeff... yup..its the dogs danglers and Im delighted with it so far. It will be interesting comparing it to the old SIB. Its the same weight..but very much easier to get on and off the trailer..the narrow plastic bunks and Ali hull slide better than wide carpet bunks on PVC.. so its well tied to the trailer.

Hi again Matt H ..that is good going fuel wise and I know the folks I often go with get great milage too. I confess that I envy them as in the SIB I worked t 50 miles for 25 litres of two stroke mix. I have 50 litres on board for its maiden journey will easily manage 100 miles and hopeful much more.

This morning I started up the Mariner. Its not run for a year..and I serviced it myself before winterising.It started second pull ..and was smoky as its burning out the fogging oil I spray in its barrels over winter. Its year old premix its running on for the first 25 litres. My neighbours hate two strokes as much as I do..because the fill the house full of reek..and noisy perhaps next year will see me with a nice Yamaha 25HP fourstroke.

I have quickly fitted the transducer ..and the transom now matches my red / grey / black colour scheme. I like the transducer to be on a slide so I can raise it when hauling onto the trailer. The other side of the transom will match as it will also need built up a bit so I can mount the aux engine. I will feel nekid the next few days without the wee outboard ..but Im desperate to try the new boat.

I will post about the maiden trip ..and include video footage ..on my return.

Thanks to all for the interest in this boat

Best Regards
Grey Gurnard
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Old 07 July 2020, 15:22   #67
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Donny I was up the Ochils this morning and saw a cloud of smoke over your way... assumed it was house fire... but perhaps it was dewinterising!
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Old 08 July 2020, 04:07   #68
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With a solid Hull it is quite possible to fix the transducer inside the boat by sticking it to the solid part of the hull in the bilge sump position with Silicon sealant. This way it is protected and also works at all speeds. I have done this a few times and it works very well
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Old 10 July 2020, 12:19   #69
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Hi Poly.. yup..the two stroke is like that smoky chimney near Cowie

Thanks smallribber..yup.. that's how I did the transducer the the small Frinb..but because the Grey gurnard has two layers of Alu (Floor and Hull) to shoot wouldn't work unless I blocked the cut out area where the bung access I fitted it outside and it holds bottom even top speed so no problems.

Now for the best part of this thread the Quicksilver 420 Alu Hull performed at sea. I was away for two days..and typical..when you want a bit of chop..there is none. However I enjoyed the flat calm conditions. I do think it will handle chop just fine though.

My impressions ? Im delighted with the boat !! My only slight disappointment arose when I found that it was too heavy to shove on its trailer across a sand launch on my own. I guess Im getting a bit weaker in my old age now.

I wont bore you with thoughts of how wonderful I think the boat is as everyone does that with the boat they buy.. instead.. watch the video and make your own mind up.

Im home to do some more mods..and the next one is not for the faint of heart as Im going to lop one of its lugs I can fit the Aux outboard.. to be continued

Best Regards
Grey Gurnard
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Old 10 July 2020, 13:23   #70
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Yikes.. warranty now null and void

The lug was lopped off the transom ..for a perfect fit binding of OB’s even on full lock

I hate going to sea without an Aux outboard .. For me its like driving a car without a spare tyre or tools in the boot.

Now to plate and build up transom for its screw clamps
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Old 10 July 2020, 13:26   #71
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I'm beyond excited to see this Donny as I've thought for two or three years a 3.8m version of this or a Highfield may be where we end up before too long.

I see the speed freak in you is emerging... jetski with a towed luggage sled next?

BTW would have been happy to have been "bored" with the detail in text as you are always objective... but the video tells most of the story.
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Old 10 July 2020, 13:30   #72
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looking good Donny the boat runs very true and level with i nice bow shear for the rough stuff, the lug had to be done mate as did my splash web maybe we should feed this back to companies to rethink design.
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Old 10 July 2020, 13:59   #73
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Hi Fenlander ..if you had no problems towing a trailer .. a lightweight boat like this will not disappoint.

Its fast ..ok 25mph (not knots) is good for my 25HP two stroke as I like a heavy boat.. which is why I have been using the old gurnard’s floorboards . Low down weight makes for stability..thats why forklifts weigh a ton. A 40HP and it would be a rocket

Bare boat at 110kg can easily be turned on its side by two people and carried round the back door when the season ends. It allows me to keep my short shaft OB’s so ideal for a SIB upgrade.

I didn’t do high speed very tight turns as the OB is not bolted yet and tight high speed turns twist outboards off transoms if not careful. I will keep the ½” packing piece in for the outboard..not because I could see and difference in those conditions..but it gives an extra ½” road clearance when on the trailer..I have the bunks low but can still transport with OB vertical.

It turns on rails as any hard boat should .. very positive and has no wallow or twitch. Its steady as a rock at top speed. What it would be like with a 40HP .. might be a bit different unless well laden..but I cant say for sure. It doesn’t notice running over its own wake.. or other boats wakes. Following my wingman in his Excel Volaire.. it sits steady as a rock on his outer wake. My SIB would wallow and I was constantly fighting the tiller to keep in the same position.

Not much more I can say until I try rev counters on OB , pin trim trials once OB is bolted on, and trips in the chop..but that will happen too. Im not a speed guy but was pushing it on to make sure I get it set up right.

Hi Jeff .. yup..the lug as a pain..handy to tie it to the trailer ..but I still have the old Gurnard’s D eyes which I will fit in a better position on the I can still tie it down.
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Old 10 July 2020, 15:00   #74
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That set up looks real nice, good job! It seems like you really prefer the small RIB over your previous SIB. With such light and efficient small RIBs available these days, if keeping the boat on a trailer, can you think of many reasons to still buy a large SIB? This video really illustrates the ride difference between a SIB and a similar sized RIB, both tiller steered:

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Old 10 July 2020, 15:57   #75
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Hi SixtyNorth

Yup..there are still very good reasons to have a heavy SIB on a trailer rather than a RIB.. for some folks it’s not all about performance on the water.

The two most obvious reasons are my comparable SIB to this RIB is half the price. That is a big deciding matter for many folks.

Another very good reason.. ... considering some folks have kittens thinking about drilling a hole in a transom.. they die getting scratches on the bottom of their fibreglass RIB. How many on hear fear getting deep gouges in their lovely hulls ? So they don’t land often unless on pontoons or such. I land where I fancy. It doesn’t bother the bottom of my F Rib shows ... and its only four years old. I buy a boat to use but many don’t .. they want to polish and pamper their pride and joy .. they are not wrong either as thats what they want from a boat

The inflatable was 16 years old and despite constant beach landings..letting her dry out overnight then refloat n the morning when exploring remote places did not have a single patch on its under hull. Its not always possible to know what a boat will dry out on when visiting unknown beaches this photo shows..There were 3ft waves pounding it on that rock when it refloated in the morning. How would a fibreglass or Ali hull look after that ?

I have used the new Alu hull for only two days and already have a couple of scores through the powder coating into the Aluminium. Only time will tell how it stands up to such treatment.

Also.. To be honest..a good percentage of SIBS on trailers are because folks initially wanted a boat that could be packed away..not realising how heavy the outboards are ..they then either give up..or get a trailer to save their backs. They are only being sensible hernias are painful things . Its a good entry into boating

So..yes..there are still some very good reasons why some folks have SIBS on trailers..its not because we don’t know any better ..its because different folks have different needs and wants from a boat.
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Old 10 July 2020, 17:46   #76
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Many thanks for the detailed reply, it was much appreciated. That does make a lot of sense. I will be very interested to see how the new hull stands up as a smaller aluminum RIB is something I am considering too. Soon it will be time to downsize.
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Old 10 July 2020, 18:46   #77
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Good first test donny, i know it was flat but they handle very well and stability of a rib which they are, Ive ensured
Mine can be launched recovered with out ever dipping the bunk trailer and can be walked up a beach so limited hassle with the trem launch wheels.
Its quicker to tow it rather than the hassle of stuffing a Sib in the car and inflating it etc
Glad you enjoyed it!
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Old 11 July 2020, 05:22   #78
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Excellent test Results Donny and very exciting for you after a long lock down. Good to see the smile on your face.

I have been checking in as no post on the thread so I ha assumed you were out in her.

I am sure you will enjoy your new boat greatly
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Old 11 July 2020, 05:40   #79
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Looks like Ron Hale might have them in Stock

Ron Hale Marine Ltd - Quicksilver 420 ALU RIB Dark Grey or White PVC
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Old 11 July 2020, 11:56   #80
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Hi smallribber.. if interested.. I would check with the suppliers before parting with cash

I have now completed the rear of the boat. More parts of the Gurnard floorboards were cut to shape and painted red to mount the sliding transducer. On trials … the fishfinder held bottom at top speed and in the deepest water I was in which was 300ft. Its mounted on the port side but I have never had any problems mounting them on that side. I keep the starboard side for the aux outboard as the tiller handles suit that side best.

The loped lug has been replaced by the Gurnards towing bolts allowing me to still tie the transom to the trailer.

RNLI recommendations are if the boat has room for an AUX then fit one. I have plenty I have fitted mine.

The outboard clamp plate from the old gurnard was cut down and fixed to the transom. All attachments are isolated from the main Alu hull by gaskets cut from recycled Gurnard PVC. The screw holes through the transom are drilled oversize ..then a piece of silicon tubing cut from an old tropical fishtank filter is inserted in the oversize hole. Stainless screws are then screwed through the fixing … through the silicon tubing … and into the wood at the back of the transom. This avoids all dissimilar metals touching and perhaps corroding.

A nice neat Aux installation and easy to deploy in an emergency .. or simply for use at trolling speed for catching mackerel.

With the rear of the boat done.. I can now think of setting up the front of the boat for my long multi day camping trips ...
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