Originally Posted by TmMorris
I think there's supposed to be 25-30% better fuel economy in general.
Hi TmMorris you are probably correct on theory ..example comparing the Mariner 25HP two stroke to the Yamaha 25HP EFI with both outboards running at full throttle.
However in practise the figure you quote does not tie in with figures I had compared with Jeff Stevens on our trips together, Jeff also runs a 25hp EFI outboard. It is nearer 40% difference between my Mariner 25HP and the 25hp EFI’s which is IMO a very significant fuel saving.
Where do I get this figure from ?
I presume its because my Mariner 25HP two stroke cruised at 18-20mpg while the throttle was running ¾ open, screaming its guts out in its “power band” or spot that sounded sweet to my ear. ?
The Yamaha..on the other hand sits at 1/3 – ½ throttle cruising at 18-20mph. Which IMO explains why the guys always got around 40% fuel difference from me and also the reason I presume its very much quieter. I have been video’ing its performance and will illustrate my observations when I publish the video.
In the mean time here is a couple of stills from the video clips. I filmed the speed on my smart phone and its running at 20.4 MPH as shown in the clip
In real time, I pan the gopro around to film the throttle position and as you can see its only half throttle.
What for me is even more amazing is it crawls along on a silent tickover at 1.5mph which is perfect for lure trolling. My Mariner would oil up at 3-4mph if running a long time so I used to troll with the 3.3 Aux. The Aux slowest speed today was 2.5mph ..and buzzing away like an angry hornet.
Although I have now been out three full days I have not had it a full throttle yet as Im giving the outboard time to bed in nicely. I have momentarily done 25mph on it which was the top speed on my Mariner