Originally Posted by The Gurnard
I would agree with Fenland..it seems a lot of work ..if its only for cosmetic reasons.?
You could try googling Hypalon / PVC paint..as there are various brands and colours..including grey..but I have never tried them so cant give a recommendation.
However.. I would imagine Avon made the accessories yellow for a good reason.. it helps make a small boat more visible.. both to other larger and perhaps faster vessels .. and also for seeing it in search and rescue situations.
In my experience.. anything that helps improve visibility of small boats is worth keeping
The Gurnard, I certainly would not want to contradict you as you are the MAN for all things Sibbing. but it was this here Avon that started me thinking "Grey"
My first thought was to replace it with the original Yellow Strake but this is now not available anywhere, Kieran at the Ribshop also recommended the grey.
But I will try the CIF, and then if needed the wet & dry route followed by the "Armour All"
Thanks all