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Old 10 May 2016, 07:52   #21
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The 2010-on change to floor material so it's now easy wipe clean has made a huge difference so for our use happy to leave it uncovered in the respect of dirt. As regards damage we've had a few air floors up to 18yrs old and not one has ever needed repair due to scuff or impact damage so on reflection we decided to forget our idea of any covering.

I've mentioned performance of the DF20 in the threads... and but...

On smooth water I reckon with our crew/load you'd just about touch max revs around 21-22kts... perhaps a tiny bit more. Once we can make 20Kts I'm happy and as I said elsewhere it's the midrange that matters to me. This is where the DF20 has given us increased ability in a difficult sea over the 15hp 2-stroke. It's now possible to increase speed instantly throughout the just off the plane to near WOT range with no off/on plane transition period and no waiting for the speed to catch up with throttle opening which was a factor with the old 15hp and *our load*. Have to be fair re the load as I'm sure the Mercury 15 is far more snappy with for example you and your lad.

It has been said in the past that 4-strokes are not so responsive... Suzuki make a big point of saying the EFI system negates that and I can only assume they are right as the response from opening the throttle to change in boat speed is better than any motor up to 25hp I've used. Of course I've not used any other modern 20hp 4-stroke so they may all be loads better now.
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Old 10 May 2016, 08:14   #22
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Of course I've not used any other modern 20hp 4-stroke so they may all be loads better now.

Well, if our paths cross at Mersea or even the Scottish SIB gathering then you can try the Honda on for size, damnit you can even stick it on your transom for a like 4 like comparison if you want.

Your 3 adults plus dog must be similar to my 2 adults plus 2 kids load, we only managed 18knts at WOT in our Honwave this last outing and the water was fairly flat (not mill pond though).
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Old 10 May 2016, 08:56   #23
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Well 20 to 22 kts is brilliant for a 20. I'd like to get 20 kts + but the 15 won't do it for sure and a 25 is going to be pretty heavy and for what I've read not give much more over what you're getting. Our typical load is 150kg and honest top speed we see is about 17 kts, briefly touching 18 kts momentarily if I'm lucky. As said before though the little 9.8 Twatsoo performed the same on the flat bottom of the Zodiac 3.4 so the BAT is to blame!
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Old 09 October 2016, 13:05   #24
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I need a splash plate like this

Yes, I need something like this for sure this looks good, I get wet from the splash

Originally Posted by Max... View Post
The previous anti-splash plate...

...fell off after not too long.

So made up the one below fixed to the transom wood plate, worked better than the engine mounted one for sure. It's flexible but still fairly rigid if that makes sense so won't break if knocked.

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Old 09 October 2016, 13:08   #25
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What materials did you use to construct this, the harder and softer black rubber?
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Old 09 October 2016, 16:26   #26
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Stuff that was lying about in the garage - I never throw anything away that might one day be useful in some sort of Heath-Robinson way.

The 'L' piece is a rigid double wall plastic cut off guard from a Bosch hedge trimmer and the other piece is part of a heavy duty studded floor tile.

I'd just get a short piece of aluminium angle for the 'L' and whatever you have lying about for the tile - you can probably buy one as a sample on eBay.
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Old 09 October 2016, 19:19   #27
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
Stuff that was lying about in the garage - I never throw anything away that might one day be useful in some sort of Heath-Robinson way.
Amen to that!

I've been undertaking a big garage upgrade this year, and same as you - no stuff gets wasted - ever!!

I do a bit of skip diving for interesting materials too...
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Old 09 October 2016, 20:18   #28
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
Amen to that!

I've been undertaking a big garage upgrade this year, and same as you - no stuff gets wasted - ever!!

I do a bit of skip diving for interesting materials too...
I'm pleased to say my thirteen year old son has inherited the gene too. Last weekend he fashioned some flexible arms from a multi-LED light fitting together with some pieces of old number plate heat moulded with a hot air gun and some cut offs of alu....

..........hold on, he's just come in with a large cardboard box (after five hours work) that is a vending machine (I kid you not) with a coin sorter that dispenses sweets and detects dodgy coins!

.......(back to the LED thing) that he riveted to a detachable clamp to make a multi positional tripod for his iPad.
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Old 29 October 2016, 16:58   #29
Country: UK - England
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Max, I am creating a splash guard like this now, on order is 15mm Neoprene rubber sheet, 2.5" x 2.5" aluminium L angle bar and stainless steel rivet gun, washers and 16mm countersunk screws. I will post progress for autumnal Thames boating
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