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Old 22 August 2015, 11:10   #1
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Sad story....theft....

Hey guys, I guess I need to vent. I live in a small town, about 38000 people, live in apartment, and own 2 inflateable on a trailer, 12ft 6in, and one little one, folded up, not blown up, just folded up. Own 3 outboards, a 2.5, 6, and a 20 HP. The 20 was on the boat with the thumb screws locked. I rent a storage unit about 2.5 miles away from my apartment, since I don't have a garage. I have lived in this town for about 10.5 years, with no problems really, until now. I went into the normal yesterday, no locks cut or any signs of forced entry or break in, and found.....well, Both little motors missing, toolboxes, fishing pole, the little folded boat, bravo BTP12 pump, and misc other stuff ALL STOLEN!!!!! No one else has a key to the storage unit, so they must have had the sane type key to this lock, or picked it open!!!! Approximately $4000.00 worth of stuff....valuable stuff just GONE....just like that!!!! I am shocked and devastated. Like I said, NEVER had a problem over there for over 10 years... I am VERY lucky that the 20 HP Yamaha outboard was locked to he boat, or that would have been probably be gone too. That one is only a year old!!!! So I am now in the process of moving out, and finding a new place. Storing the most expensive stuff at a friends house until I find a different place to rent. Anyone else have any stories of unfortunate similar stories of theft, and any advice to keep stuff safe???? I guess everyone is vulnerable. Thanks for reading. Just because your stuff is "locked", and out of sight, doesn't mean you are safe!!!! Someone must have seen me with the door open, getting at my stuff, and that is all it takes apparently.....Joe.
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Old 22 August 2015, 11:31   #2
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Sorry for your loss, that dreadful feeling you have when you open the garage door and see all your gear gone is truley upsetting
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Old 22 August 2015, 19:02   #3
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It is impossible to stop theft, the only thing you can do is make a neighbouring option seem more appealing. If it was planned/stolen to order even that won't help.

You might help catch them with trackers, smart dyes, alarms etc but it won't prevent them breaking in and by the time you are alerted it will be too late.

Ultimately the only solution is to insure it.
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Old 24 August 2015, 21:17   #4
Country: USA
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Sorry to hear that, JRZ. Agree with Poly though; it's almost impossible to stop.

If it's a small town, maybe ask around and see if anyone came up with a new couple of motors?

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Old 24 August 2015, 23:37   #5
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Gutting when they get away with stuff ... sorry to hear what happened to you.

We've lost a almost new 2ton twin axle trailer in the past where our fencing was cut down... and separately had two outbuildings broken into one night but amazingly nothing taken that time despite there being a Zodiac in its bag and a desirable outboard they didn't uncover.

The feeling of intrusion & anger took some while to go in both cases.
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