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Old 25 June 2014, 23:27   #1
Country: USA
Town: Northern Alabama, USA
Boat name: Fire Fly
Make: Dong Seo
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Saturn Inflatables

is anyone here familiar with the Saturns?
They talk a good story but sometimes that could be scary.
Somehow, my instincts tell me they might really be a good boat.

I have an old 9' Seaworthy RIB and it is too small for us. I want to go with a 10.5' or an 11'. I always wanted a RIB and now that I have the Seaworthy RIB I'm not that excited about it, mainly due to the extra weight. I put it up for sale again on Craigslist and hoping to sell it so I can get another dinghy, but larger.
The choices today are many. PVC or Hypolon, RIB of soft bottom, Inflatable keels & floor or hard floor. inflatable dink or hard dinghy, etc. etc. etc.
Like everyone else, I want a quality boat so I am looking at RIBs and Hypolon and hard dinghy's.

First off, I ruled out hard dinghies because of the weight. Too much for my davits, my roof and my swim platform.
So as I looked more and more at inflatables, I started to pay more attention to prices.
A RIB cost around a thousand bucks more than a soft bottom and hypolon cost about another thousand, more or less.
Then I started to think back......I have owned 3 soft bottoms in the past and never tore a bottom. I had run them up on rocks on rare occasions, but never tore a bottom. Then the Hypolon thing ....I have never owned a Hypolon dinghy and never really had a problem with my old dinghies other than the occasional small puncture. the only one that ever degraded on me is my current RIB. I knew it spent a lot of time exposed to weather and for Petes sake, it is 20 years old. The only serious degradation is the old black rubber oar locks which comes off easily on my hands and clothes.
Anyway, I'm not paranoid about soft dinghies and PVC and that leads me to my original question....Does anyone here know anything about Saturns - good, bad or otherwise?

Thanks in advance.

Tony B
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Old 26 June 2014, 15:23   #2
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The majority of US boaters that owns them are fully satisfied with them.

Happy Boating
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Old 19 July 2014, 15:16   #3
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I don't have experience with the boat itself, but just reviewed the instructions for assembling the floor. It's identical to my 15'8" Marinar's floor which is very well made. Saturn's is aluminum, however, while mine is wood with aluminum fittings...which is why I'm repainting it with Interlux Bilgecoat.

Good stiff floor at least. The boat itself is so similar to my Marinar that I suspect the company making them is the same one...which is why they're using the same floor structure and components if in aluminum.
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Old 23 July 2014, 21:45   #4
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I have the Saturn SD365. It's a great boat. Only thing in find fault is they mount the rear bench closer to the transom than most sibs. I ordered the seating frame that mounts on the deck and will attach my swivel chair to it and take out the bench. Had a guy look at my boat that just ordered a shorter Zodiak for about twice the money. He was real impressed with the Saturn but never knew the built one.
Saturn makes the Azzurro Mare which come in the same model for a couple of hundred more. There bench looks further away from the transom and has more room in the bow and heavier PVC.
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Old 23 July 2014, 22:11   #5
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After reviewing the Azzurri on, I was very impressed. I was going to buy a new dinghy and took a while to narrow down the field. I started with looking a hard dinks and ruled them out because of carrying capacity and also the excessive weight of the hard dink.
Then I went through the RIB or SIB thing and was set on a RIB. Then I found a Saturn site and was somewhat impressed except for no RIBS. Then I started thinking like, I never tore the bottom of any of my past several SIBs. Then again, I have never known anyone personally that tore the bottom on a SIB and was wondering if I really needed a RIB.
Then this used Saturn 12 comes along on Craigslist. Just when I was trying to narrow it down to 10, 11 or 12 foot long. I figure the 12 was too long but am not sure. My stern is only 10' wide. Within the next few days or so. I will know what I want and the 12' Saturn can always be re-sold if need be. I sure do like the size and carrying capacity (5 Adults) and the way it moves out. I will know when I get it up on the davits.
If I have to downsize, I will buy a new Azzurri.
If I can deal with the 12 Saturn., I will be very happy. Either way, all will be good.
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Old 26 July 2014, 09:02   #6
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I considered a Saturn, but ended up buying SeaMax as the tubes are 2 inches bigger in diameter. And the boat make is the only Inflatable rated and approved by Transport Canada. But I here Saturns are pretty-good for the price.
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Old 26 July 2014, 09:34   #7
Country: USA
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I was just looking at their website. It's pretty impressive.
I was wondering - I am only familiar with white and off-white dinghies.
Do the red dinks get significantly hotter in the sun? That may be desirable up north with cooler climate and colder water. Down south, I would think the red would get too hot for comfort. What's your experience with red?
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Old 27 July 2014, 04:52   #8
Country: Canada
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Probably true and it can get quite warm here too. My decision for buying red was that it could be easily spotted by high-speed boats and the red on my boat is almost identical to my trailer (just bought) and my Car.
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Old 27 July 2014, 11:00   #9
Country: USA
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Somehow or other, a red dinghy just looks like a serious dinghy.
In street vernacular, a red dinghy could look both "hot" and "cool" at the same time.
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Old 27 July 2014, 21:10   #10
Country: Canada
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Funny you mentioned that Tony. As the gret model does not seem to have the bow configuration as my Red.
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Old 27 July 2014, 21:42   #11
Country: USA
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Make: Dong Seo
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Posts: 52
Funny you should mention that Nightfisher. I just went to look at to see if I could see the difference in the photos and guess what? They don't mention or show anything but red dinks in 12' and above.
I could have sworn a few weeks ago they showed some white ones. If they are sold out, they say so, at least with the red ones. The whites are not even mentioned.

So, what is the diff between the reds and whites?

Tony B

PS: Does anyone here live in a southern climate with a red dink?
And, are there any other north American dealers of Saturn?
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Old 28 July 2014, 15:25   #12
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Live in Georgia, USA, and would pass on a red hull due to heat. Grey, yellow and white would be preferred. Just find cars of the various colors and put your hand on them after they have sat out in the sun and you will note a difference in temperature.
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