24 July 2011, 15:33
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sea conditions.
going out tmw on my honwave 4m trouble is it says its going to be moderate to rough, has anyone been out in rough conditions, will my honwave be ok.
24 July 2011, 15:37
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where are you going?
conditions & locality = concern / no concern
24 July 2011, 15:52
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Originally Posted by stevessub
going out tmw on my honwave 4m trouble is it says its going to be moderate to rough, has anyone been out in rough conditions, will my honwave be ok.
Look up what rough actually means -- if it is actually rough you won't be going out in a 4m sib. Of course forecasts cover a huge area so it may only be slight seas close to shore.
24 July 2011, 16:04
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Check Windguru, Magic Seaweed etc for local conditions - much more applicable to inshore boaters - if it is actually (technically) 'rough' then you would be foolish going out in a SIB, regardless guessing you have a good anchor, LJs, flares, VHF etc and someone who knows when/where you are out/back.
I spent all today along the coast from Hastings to Bexhill - at first the forecasts were out a fair bit and I was gutted I choose the bike rather than the SIB, however two hours in the kite surfers were in there element and it grew to a F5+ with some very nasty chop - things change quickly in the UK...
Met office gives a very general overview but things are pretty changable and non-SIB friendly at present:
24 July 2011, 16:04
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If you need to ask, don't go
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
24 July 2011, 16:08
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going out from newcastle, tynemouth coast.
24 July 2011, 16:11
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
If you need to ask, don't go 
I tend to agree. Rough + SIB = lifeboat
24 July 2011, 16:11
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Originally Posted by stevessub
going out from newcastle, tynemouth coast.
Errrrmmmm, I wouldn't...
(see forecast)
24 July 2011, 16:47
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nice knowing you  personally time for soup / crumpets / scones and a roaring log fire then - typical UK summer...
24 July 2011, 16:55
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If you have the slightest bit of doubt, dont go out!!
Sibs dont work well in the rough, i was out by the needles yesterday and the sea suddenly turned and was throwing big waves at us! Sibbing isnt as fun when your wet, cold and in big seas!!
24 July 2011, 18:34
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sea conditions says moderate for tmw, do you guys think that is still bad for a sib.
24 July 2011, 18:35
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WMO Sea State Code Wave Height (meters) Characteristics
0 Calm (glassy)
0 to 0.1m Calm (rippled)
0.1 to 0.5m Smooth (wavelets)
0.5 to 1.25m Slight
1.25 to 2.5m Moderate
2.5 to 4m Rough
4 to 6m Very rough
6 to 9m High
9 to 14m Very high
Over 14m Phenomenal
At what point would you guys say no to sibbing
24 July 2011, 20:19
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I think id be saying no at the high end of moderate and consider anything less depending on other weather conditions
24 July 2011, 20:31
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This is probably not the way to find out what you want to know, i.e. is it worth your while going SIBbing when the WX is poor. I'd guess that you're not going to have much fun in anything over a low force 4. Ultimately, in a SIB, it will depend on you, the craft and the local conditions. Wind over Tide can ruin a sibbers day.
I think you need to go out in very calm conditions and find a few waves - see how it goes.
24 July 2011, 20:44
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Rough Weather
Originally Posted by stevessub
going out from newcastle, tynemouth coast.
You can stay in the river and there is loads to do inside of the piers. There is nearly always confused sea between the piers- even in good conditions.
If the weather is reasonable go for it, if it blowing then I would suggest a jolly up the river.
If you need any info, drop me a PM.
Silent but deaf-lee
24 July 2011, 21:43
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Moderate sea state is usually more than rough enough to ruin your day. A decent sized sib will manage a force 4 to 5 no problems, and probably high end moderate sea state. You won't though. Believe me, I took my old sib out in a high force 4 and it's not fun, it's wet, cold, a tiny bit scary and overall unpleasant. A small sib really is a good weather boat, unless you feel particularly hardcore it's best to leave it if the weather is bad
24 July 2011, 22:05
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a 2m wave is the same height as a door, sit on you butt by the door, look up, if the wave is that high do you want to be out?
24 July 2011, 22:15
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Starovich
a 2m wave is the same height as a door, sit on you butt by the door, look up, if the wave is that high do you want to be out?
Yes it is and no I don't. I've met a few lumps in my beachtoy that I couldn't see over before entering the preceding trough and as I climbed them I thought - "shit!"
24 July 2011, 22:22
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I was out of Amble earlier today. Forecast was moderate and it was no fun at all trying to get back in. Lots of breaking waves in the bay and approaching the harbour mouth. I would have enjoyed it even less in a 4m SIB.
You could head up to the piers and see how you feel but once your through things can get a bit more complicated.
If your in any doubt just stay in the river.
24 July 2011, 22:49
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Hi Steve. Where abouts are you launching from?
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