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Old 03 March 2013, 12:44   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Fylde Coast
Make: AB Rib 2.9
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 32
Seago Valve

Just got a second hand Seago 230RT as a tender. Just cleaning it and noticed air is leaking out of the valve. It is coming out of the outer part of the valve where the valve ataches to the pvc tubes. I have a valve spanner and have tightened it up with the boat inflated. It appeared to increase not decrease the air coming out. I'm reluctant to tighten it too much as I have a habbit of breaking things! Does just need a bit more of a tighten or is it not the part of the valve that you can't tighten. Or do you have to tighten it up with the boat deflated?

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Old 03 March 2013, 19:56   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Fylde Coast
Make: AB Rib 2.9
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 32
OK, slightly different question now. I have taken the valve apart and have am now re tightening things up. But basically how tight? I don't want to strip the threads as it a plastic valve at the end of the day and I Assume over tightening will damage the threads. Anyone know how tight it can be done up? I have tightened it up as much as I dare but there is still air coming out even if only slight. Should I give it that extra "crank"? Should you expect any air loss through the valves?
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Old 05 March 2013, 00:22   #3
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A removed air valve leaves round marks on top fabric, try to match same, does it have more than 1 round mark, if so, probably last owner must have removed valve and now doesn't sit properly releasing air. Check valve's below has intact the plastic protruding ring that seats & seals against tube's fabric.

With soappy water, moisten upper tube fabric and below of valve, will slide much softer till a complete stop. Air valves must be seated tight with tool, not that tight as to break valve though...

Happy Boating
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