Seamax transom wheels on Honwave T38
Hello people, when I installed my Seamax transom wheels onto my Honwave T38 I might have installed them a little close to the outboard (Tohatsu 9.8) four stroke. I will get to the problem shortly but let me say first that I have full movement one direction and almost in the other, it just fouls the gear lever but I got almost full movement.
The main problem I have, and for all I know could still have if id installed the brackets as far apart as possible is when I tilt the engine up into either shallow drive or full tilt, if the engine flops over to one side it hits my post that holds the wheel.
The annoying thing is it's marked my conopy on the outboard, I've stuck some round sticks foam pads on the canopy where it fouls to help remedy this.
I don't want to re-drill and put more holes in my transom as it's not that bad, but is there way I can stiffen the movement of the hinge to stop the engine flopping over but not effect it's steerability?