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Old 06 May 2010, 20:26   #1
Country: Ireland
Boat name: WetDream
Make: quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 6
Search & Recovery SIB...

Hi all,
Here was an idea I have been thinking about for some time now, your opinions are welcome, I have been very active for the last few year with river searches for missing persons, I have worked alongside a number of different rescue organisations using my own boat, I was thinking of going to a few local businesses and offering sponsorship spaces on a purpose built search boat, probably something around the 3.3m with a 15hp 4stroke, the boat will be kitted out with all the vital gear, also the smaller engine will allow for longer search periods with its low fuel consumption there will only be 2people in the boat at any one time, also the small size will allow easy and fast launch anywhere along the banks,

each company which donates will get a 12" x 6" space on the side of the boat, Im thinking 10 company's at €200 each

any advice or comments are welcome,
thanks guys

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Old 06 May 2010, 21:14   #2
chewy's Avatar
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I think your better asking for donations towards a new boat from local business's rather than trying to sell space on the side of the boat.
Either that or have a list of equipment that is needed and see if business's buy whats needed. Sometimes people are more willing if they can actually see what they bought?
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Old 06 May 2010, 21:20   #3
Country: Ireland
Boat name: WetDream
Make: quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 6
ya, i was thinking of putting signage maybe "this boat was donated by..." or something, giving the businesses recognition for there donation, all the gear needed will be funded by myself, whats needed is a boat and engine.
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Old 07 May 2010, 00:42   #4
m chappelow's Avatar
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Good idea and it could work but will you realistically have enough space to advertise on a small boat and that perhaps only gets used for its puporse a few times a year ,,,,,general publics view ,,
i would agree with chewy about buying or sponsering particular items ,people like to see where their money is going ,charity groups like freemasons ,rotary ,would much prefere to raise for a particular item ,when we ,,,rnli branch ,,were collecting for an atlantic 75,,, £65,000 12 years back ,,as it happens the same boat in chewys profile pic ,, we had a girls school buy the steering wheel ,a pub darts team bought the anchor ,ect ,
and theres always the finger pointing brigade ,what are YOU getting/making out of this and is it really neccesary ,,
you may be better setting up an official search unit even if its only a few of you rather than going a private one man band and turning out because you feel you should ,
also have a look into the legal aspects ,will it be a dedicated service or just as a back up to the local fire service if needed perhaps ,,,True story ,a pub high in the yorkshire dales had a monthly charity collection ,one particular month chosen charity was lifeboats ,,jokingly a guy says to a customer having a pint at the bar ,, who unbeknown happened to be a soliciter /or barrister ,,,were buying a lifeboat this month ,,ok heres a tenner says the customer and then he legaly held him to his word ,,,,and after many many years of collecting they did eventually buy one,they had to .
whatever the outcome best of luck with your venture mart,
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