Originally Posted by Fenlander
Personally if going to the trouble of a second seat I'd not go fixing mount patches in a position related to someone else's boat. How distanced you sit to the tiller is an individual thing.
Before getting the glue out I'd trial a seat position that suits you once you have the boat inflated by sitting on a box or something in different positions.
Re thickness I always think most OE seats are under sized apart from the Honwave ply/grp sandwich construction which is over 30mm thick.
My Aerotec seat is 21mm which is just OK as it's a narrow SIB hence a shorter span than you'll be dealing with so I'd say 24mm or more for your seat.
Fenlander, many thanks
I will definitely go for the 25mm marine ply for the seats.
Regarding the measurement from transom to seat, I completely take your point.
However, I am new to using an outboard with a tiller, so not sure whether I would be able to judge what several hours of my left arm behind my back will feel like from 5 minutes in my back garden
For example, when pulling the tiller behind my back, should the end of the tiller brush my back or be a few inches off?
The reason I was seeking measurements, was just so I know that I am not way way off the mark

and end up wishing I had bought a tiller extension or finding it uncomfortable to perform tight turns. I appreciate people will have different tiller lengths, arm lengths and shoulder heights, but ball park figures are fine