Hey everyone! So I did quite a bit of testing yesterday with my Tohatsu 9.8 and Saturn inflatable. I feel like I'm getting closer, but I have a few concerns. Decided to just start a new thread since the discussion has progressed beyond the main topic of the old one. I hope that's okay with everyone

Just for reference, transom is 15 inches and measurement from engine clamps to anti-cav plate is 17 inches. The result without shims is producing way too much spray. By the time I get back and take off the engine cowl, the valve cover is just covered in salt residue. It's not too bad to clean off, but I imagine this won't be good for the engine long-term.
So here is the testing video! Did this in Sarasota Bay and Roberts Bay which got a bit choppy by the time I got to 3 shims, so couldn't go full throttle in the last test.
With 1 shim, I was getting a little splashing around the engine and full throttle kicked up a ton of splash. With 2 shims, the splashing around half was reduced but full throttle still had tons of splash. With 3 shims, I got less splashing overall, but couldn't test full throttle. Unfortunately, I'm not able to go higher than 3 shims since the clamps are on the upper lip of the inner transom plate.
Is the full throttle spray normal? I was uneasy with 2 shims, but 3 shims really had me worried the motor would come loose. If I can get away running with 2 shims, that's what I'll probably do. Also when running with 2 and 3 shims, I had a strange rattling sound coming from the transom. Still trying to figure out what that was.