05 September 2013, 22:23
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961
I see Zodiac sells a swim ladder/rope ladder for my series of boat. I think they want like 400 dollars, which is crazy. I can easily make my own rope ladder, Should I just hook it to an eye bolt on the transome and toss it over the tubes? I can get back in without a ladder, but its not easy.. and if your tired most likely have to climb up by the engine which could be dangerous on rough sea days. What have you all come up with for getting out of the water?
Thanks! CAP
I was going to buy one of these for my rib Rib step inflatable boat dinghy boarding ladder for ringo wakeboard water ski. | eBay but thought I could easily use my existing lifting sling for taking my rib out of the water which is similar material but wider. Anyway I connected my sling to the lifting eye, put it over the tube into the water and simply but a big knot in the middle of it to make it shorter and work as a step ladder as in the link above. It works but the problem is when you put weight on it it swings in under the boat and your foot hits the hull of the boat, in other words it dos not work as a ladder but it can help as a "step up" into the boat. My father didn't get along with it whatsoever! I tried it out purely for him as I can jump in and out of my rib no problems, but I'm in my 20's not 60's!
You could get one of these... Boarding Ladder Boat Yacht RIB 3 Step Alloy Hook Over | eBay but very bulky!
The Rib step or a home made version is good if you have people in your boat who are not used to jumping in and out of ribs/sibs and if one person is inside the boat they can help pull the person in as they are using the step up. It's better than nothing I guess!
06 September 2013, 00:23
Country: USA
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Posts: 45
Thanks for the info! I think that's all i really need is a step up/boost. I usually take a dock line and string it across the boat so I can grab it and pull myself into the boat. A step up would make it much easier to get in.
06 September 2013, 09:30
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 146
In that case just make one mate! All you need is a bit of wood, big enough for one of your feet to fit on it and then drill a hole at each end, put say one foot (no pun intended!) of rope through both holes tieing a knott at each end, and then attach another length of rope to that rope which will then go inside the boat to an attachment and hey presto! When not in use it wont take up much space at all with the rope being neatly raped around the wooden step! I don't think the "rib step" is worth the money TBH when you can make what I just mentioned for free (I say free, the average boater probably has spare rope and wood kicking about!)
06 September 2013, 11:53
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I made a ladder from rope with timber treads. I wasnt successful in using it though. What are the tricks in using thes types of ladders?
06 September 2013, 14:54
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 146
Originally Posted by seasdes
I made a ladder from rope with timber treads. I wasnt successful in using it though. What are the tricks in using thes types of ladders?
The problem with a rope ladder is that it swings under the boat so your feet/legs hit the hull of the boat and your whole body is at completely the wrong angle to get into the boat! For a "ladder" to work it has to be solid unfortunately!
However you can use a rope "step up" ladder, which is a ladder with just one step so to speak. You use it to help you push your body weight via one leg on the step whilst using your arms to pull yourself into the boat. Basically you still have to climb into the boat BUT you can use one leg to help you! But in order for this to work the step cannot be to deep in the water, about 24" below the water line I would say.
06 September 2013, 20:08
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961
I see Zodiac sells a swim ladder/rope ladder for my series of boat. I think they want like 400 dollars, which is crazy. I can easily make my own rope ladder, Should I just hook it to an eye bolt on the transome and toss it over the tubes? I can get back in without a ladder, but its not easy.. and if your tired most likely have to climb up by the engine which could be dangerous on rough sea days. What have you all come up with for getting out of the water?
Thanks! CAP
Yep,the Zodiac ones are ridiculous money
06 September 2013, 20:36
Country: UK - Wales
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Buy one get her free?
06 September 2013, 22:15
Country: USA
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Im going to peruse the hardware store, and see what i can come up with. I think wood would be problematic due to it wanting to float. So I Think I can find some type of synthetic material to do the job.
Thanks for all the imput all.
06 September 2013, 22:29
Country: UK - Wales
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Posts: 245
Just a quick idea.
Could a ladder not be made to mount on the transom. Some sort of solid version so it actually acts as a ladder and doesn't move?
07 September 2013, 11:11
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 146
Originally Posted by rossymtb
Just a quick idea.
Could a ladder not be made to mount on the transom. Some sort of solid version so it actually acts as a ladder and doesn't move?
on BIG ribs yes, small ribs/sibs not really as their isn't enough room between the tube and engine, you need at least the width of a person to do it!
07 September 2013, 16:58
Country: UK - England
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Tip from catamaran sailors, who use a length of rope with a loop in the end big enough to put your foot in and use as a step.
07 September 2013, 17:14
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 146
Originally Posted by Sunstreaker
Tip from catamaran sailors, who use a length of rope with a loop in the end big enough to put your foot in and use as a step.
That's exactly what I did with my lifting sling rope which is 50mm wide so doesn't hurt your foot, or as suggested a bit of wood or something.
08 September 2013, 21:30
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
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Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
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Posts: 45
Originally Posted by Sunstreaker
Tip from catamaran sailors, who use a length of rope with a loop in the end big enough to put your foot in and use as a step.
Yeah! I tried this today and it worked well. Its all I needed was a slight boost. The strap Idea is good too.
16 September 2013, 01:39
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
Length: 3m +
Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
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Posts: 45
16 September 2013, 03:43
Country: Canada
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Boat name: Seabright
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Posts: 234
Looks good Cap! Someday if possible, post up a pic at WOT so we can see your speed and RPM. I'm not getting enough of either.
05 October 2013, 20:25
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
Length: 3m +
Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
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Posts: 45
The wind finally has died down for once. Its been a very windly late summer and fall here. Which is not common, especially for the summer months.
05 October 2013, 20:30
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
Length: 3m +
Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
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Posts: 45
Thats 5500 WOT and almost 32 mph. I forgot to recheck my tube pressure, so I may have lost a few mph. Ive had her up to 36.9 mph.
Its a stainless turbo 3 blade 19 pitch 13 3/4 diameter. Ill have to check again on the engine height, but its pretty high. I think I can only go up one more hole.
05 October 2013, 20:48
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
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Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
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Posts: 45
05 October 2013, 20:53
Country: USA
Town: Tilghman Island
Boat name: Stormhammer
Make: Mk 2 Futura HD
Length: 3m +
Engine: 50 HP Evinrude ETEC
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 45
This is the arch I will be getting. Its coming from British Columbia Canada to my house in MD. The shipping is about half as much as the arch costs. But, I have zero options to get it locally, and I really like the way it looks.
05 October 2013, 20:57
Country: Canada
Town: GTA
Boat name: Seabright
Make: Seabright
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Engine: 50 HP ETec Tiller
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 234
Very good! Thanks. I discovered what my problem was after several discussions with Evinrude Customer Service.
And BTW, the rep. on the phone from Wisconsin was absolutely fantastic, and I couldn't ask for a better customer experience. This guy should get a medal.
My throttle wasn't fully opening!
I assumed that a brand new motor would be properly adjusted. The tiller was ordered after my purchase and installed by the dealer. It appears that he didn't set up the throttle linkage properly.
Check yours.
The cam shaped lever has a stop on it that should contact the block when fully open. Mine didn't.
I just gained 1000 rpm, so now have to start the propping exercise all over again.
I went from a 17 to a 15 to a 13 pitch. I was getting 26 mph and 5400 rpm. Now I'm getting 6400 rpm and 30 mph.
I'm running out of good weather though.
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