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Old 11 July 2013, 22:24   #1
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Setup for Zodiac Mark II HD with console

Hello all!

I have a 2010 zodiac futura mk 2 alu, with console and a new 50 hp ETEC.

I need some setup help, to achieve max performance/speed.

I currently have a 14inch 19 pitch prop, and the diameter is and estimate.

The motor is as low as it can go, and is too low for sure, getting lots of water blowback into the boat.

Speed is topped out at 25 mph and RPM is 6000 to 6100 WOT.

So to anyone who actually owns a futura mk two, what is the depth/distance of your anti cav plate from the exact bottom of the transom?

What diameter and pitch prop are you using? My Evinrude dealer is ordering me a stainless 21 pitch prop, which I hope will bring down the rpm and raise the speed.

The hole shot on this boat is insane, like being launched on a rocket. I don't mind loosing some of that punch for a faster boat.

So any help you can give me to steer me into the right direction is greatly appreciated!

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Old 11 July 2013, 22:29   #2
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Sorry about the double video...
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Old 12 July 2013, 19:32   #3
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Looks like water splashing up from under your floor at the transom or is that coming over the transom?
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Old 13 July 2013, 00:38   #4
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The spray is coming over the transom. Its from the motor. Its definitely too low. My Evinrude dealer where I live does not have much experience with sibs or ribs. I read on a thread here somewhere that the anti cav plate should at one inch below the keel.

My zodiac is a 2010 model year, but its new off the shelf from Defender Marine of CT. And I have a five year warranty from date of purchase, which was about a month ago.

I find it frustrating that Zodiac doesnt specifically say where the anti cav plate should be. Because this boat has three distinct levels, the keel, the speed tubes, and the main tubes.

If i can get the speed up to mid 30's I'll be happy as a lark.

I really want to dial the performance of this boat in, I get a lot of compliments on her, and they are very uncommon around my parts. Well I think in the USA in general. I think with my 50 etec I should easily get mid 30s. So its a matter of dialing in the prop, and the cav plate to the right parameters.
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Old 13 July 2013, 01:01   #5
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Old 13 July 2013, 01:27   #6
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Looks really low to me. General consensus is start out with anti vent plate even with keel. Test it, then raise it, test again, raise again, etc. If it doesn't blow out during turns, you're ok. That is for ribs, not sibs but the process should be the same. Also, i'd make sure all chambers are completely full to around 3 psi. Less rigidity will definitely affect speed.
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Old 13 July 2013, 02:29   #7
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Thanks for the info mate. I use an elelctric air pump made by seamax, and I recheck air pressure after she's put in the water too.
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Old 13 July 2013, 13:59   #8
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I almost went for the exactly the same boat as you, but decided on a 4.2m rib with 50hp instead. I still like the futura a lot as it's unique and also very rare compared to normal ribs and sibs!

You should be getting a lot more speed than 25 mph, from memory zodiac quote 37 mph for your boat! According to my gps I can hit 38.5 mph with just me in the boat, and that's with the stock Tohatsu 11.1 x 13 prop. In fact I actually hit my rev limiter at 6000 rpm with this prop and so I am going to buy an 11 x 15 prop soon to bring my WOT revs to within the recommended rpm (5150 - 5850 rpm), this should also hopefully give me a couple of extra mph top speed!

I must admit your prop seems huge to me compared to mine!! As you say your engine must be mounted too low. Are you able to adjust the height yourself and keep testing the boat until you get it right? If not and to be honest I would have thought this should have been the dealers job to get right from day one surely?!
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Old 13 July 2013, 15:46   #9
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Update: Moved the motor up so anti cav plate is one inch above the keel, and had the 13 7/8 diameter prop with a 21 pitch installed.

Im up to 36 MPH, which is AWESOME! However, the motor was WOT at 4800 rpm. My mechanic said we need the motor to be between 5500 and 5800 rpms. So getting closer! LOVE THIS BOAT!~!

J@mes, your right about the dealer should be tweaking if he wasnt my friend. He does the labor and I do the testing. Which of course he isnt going to charge me for everytime I bring the boat in to adjust. He's had no experience with SIBs or Ribs. The are extremely uncommon where I live, most people use whalers, grady whites and Bay liners. Also, I live like ten minutes from the shop, so its all good.
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Old 13 July 2013, 16:08   #10
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@ J@mes: I sent an email regarding the 37 mph to Defender Marine the zodiac dealer where I got my furura. He basically said, oh that does not mean it will go 37, but that is the max speed of the hull. Also, he said that speed notation was footnoted, saying it was a professional driver with a special prop. I was like HUH? Then he went on to say that they didn't have specific performance charts on that boat, so he couldnt even recommend a prop to use.

Also Zodiac of North America has absolutely no links for product support at all. You have to contact the dealers. I cant believe they dont have performance data from the R&D section of Zodiac. Its not like this boat is a brand new design.
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Old 13 July 2013, 18:30   #11
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961 View Post
@ J@mes: I sent an email regarding the 37 mph to Defender Marine the zodiac dealer where I got my furura. He basically said, oh that does not mean it will go 37, but that is the max speed of the hull. Also, he said that speed notation was footnoted, saying it was a professional driver with a special prop. I was like HUH? Then he went on to say that they didn't have specific performance charts on that boat, so he couldnt even recommend a prop to use.

Also Zodiac of North America has absolutely no links for product support at all. You have to contact the dealers. I cant believe they dont have performance data from the R&D section of Zodiac. Its not like this boat is a brand new design.
The dealers and manufacturers of want to be very careful about throwing out performance numbers, because there are alot of variables which can drastically affect a SIB's performance. What they determine to be the optimal motor height, trim & prop selection for the Mark II HDs they trial could be very different from what is optimal for you, depending on the load and water conditions you are dealing with.
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Old 13 July 2013, 20:04   #12
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Almost dialed in, need to raise the WOT rpms a bit. Im only at 4900, my mechanic said we should be around 5500 to 5800. I dont think it will hurt the motor, but Im guessing dropping the pitch down to 20 may be the answer.
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Old 13 July 2013, 20:27   #13
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber View Post
The dealers and manufacturers of want to be very careful about throwing out performance numbers, because there are alot of variables which can drastically affect a SIB's performance. What they determine to be the optimal motor height, trim & prop selection for the Mark II HDs they trial could be very different from what is optimal for you, depending on the load and water conditions you are dealing with.

Ya makes sense. In this sue happy world in the states, it could be a liability too.
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Old 13 July 2013, 20:34   #14
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Old 13 July 2013, 20:38   #15
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Anyone know if they make clips to fit the rails on the deck? I need to strap down the fuel tank and the battery. I may look into some type of deck locker/seat to secure them better? I had read about moving all that stuff more forward, but really I dont seem to have any hole shot issues.
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Old 13 July 2013, 20:59   #16
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961 View Post
Anyone know if they make clips to fit the rails on the deck? I need to strap down the fuel tank and the battery. I may look into some type of deck locker/seat to secure them better? I had read about moving all that stuff more forward, but really I dont seem to have any hole shot issues.

Runner and strap tie down for floorboards
Nice rig,bet the hole-shot really is something with the 50.
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Old 14 July 2013, 00:57   #17
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Originally Posted by Boatnomad View Post
Runner and strap tie down for floorboards
Nice rig,bet the hole-shot really is something with the 50.

Awesome thanks for the link! I cant say enough good things about the etec. No break-in time, or scheduled maintenance for 3 years. Its a beast. And the futura is amazing, we get quite bit of chop here where I live due to a lot of south winds but she's stable in it. You're not going to cut any diamonds while underway, but I kind of think its fun.. hah hah. It is definitely better than my friends fiberglass 14' skiff for sure. I was a bit let down at first, but it was all about the prop and the engine height that made the difference. I couldn't be happier now.
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Old 14 July 2013, 03:47   #18
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961 View Post
@ J@mes: I sent an email regarding the 37 mph to Defender Marine the zodiac dealer where I got my furura. He basically said, oh that does not mean it will go 37, but that is the max speed of the hull. Also, he said that speed notation was footnoted, saying it was a professional driver with a special prop. I was like HUH? Then he went on to say that they didn't have specific performance charts on that boat, so he couldnt even recommend a prop to use.

Also Zodiac of North America has absolutely no links for product support at all. You have to contact the dealers. I cant believe they dont have performance data from the R&D section of Zodiac. Its not like this boat is a brand new design.
What a load of bull! Your stealer would say that! Zodiac have a small print from memory regarding their quoted speeds and it says something like, max speeds were achieved with the maximum HP allowed, ideal conditions, no load and a single passenger who is a professional. Well this is obvious, but 25 mph is no where near 37 mph!!! It's obvious the stealer has not set your boat up correctly whatsoever, whether its engine height and/or prop selection!

Originally Posted by cap2nd1961 View Post
Awesome thanks for the link! I cant say enough good things about the etec. No break-in time, or scheduled maintenance for 3 years. Its a beast. And the futura is amazing, we get quite bit of chop here where I live due to a lot of south winds but she's stable in it. You're not going to cut any diamonds while underway, but I kind of think its fun.. hah hah. It is definitely better than my friends fiberglass 14' skiff for sure. I was a bit let down at first, but it was all about the prop and the engine height that made the difference. I couldn't be happier now.
I take it you have raised the outboard and changed your prop?! What speed are you seeing now? Your latest video looks good, the water is sooooo calm!!!
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Old 14 July 2013, 04:32   #19
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My MKII HD Futura Sport GT runs faster in fairly heavy chop, as in 1-2ft. It will pick up a couple miles per hour as it skips around on the water.
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Old 14 July 2013, 10:09   #20
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Originally Posted by cap2nd1961 View Post
You'll find a load of peeps on here will say never to tie off with the tube cleats.

Its light winds / chop so you'll probably be OK. BUT when you jump aboard you may put a load of load on the cleat. Over time it may damage the cleat/tube joint and its then a mare to repair.

Do you have eye bolts on the transom? e.g. for towing? If so a piece of rope between the two eyes too short to get near the prop and then attach your spring to that?
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