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Old 23 May 2018, 23:58   #1
Lee1's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: South East
Make: Waveline V SIB
Length: under 3m
Engine: Mercury 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 384
SIB floor drain away matting and comfy seat

Caravan awning ground sheet the rubber drain away type, not cheap but perfect as non water retaining floor protector for a SIB and folded up a few times it's also very comfy to sit or kneel on. . . . I use carpet for my full V floor protector the water it retains and it's associated weight when wet is not really an issue given the benefits (it does rot out after a season but cheap to replace) and with a 8hp plus you don't notice the extra water weigh the carpet holds (if your using a 25hp your be glad of the extra mid ship ballast lol) the carpet is cut short a few inches from the transom so water taken on the boat can pool there and drain via the one way valve when on the plane, I then have a caravan awning ground sheet (about 4x2 meter) (its made of a rubber type material) that I fold up a good few times and place on top of the carpet unsecured so I can move it, (I very rarely use my seat but when I do this ground sheet goes on top of the seat wadded and folded for a good seat cushion) for a very comfy floor seat and kneeling pad, The drain away ground sheet could be glued single or multi layer (first glue one layer then add the next and so on) to a wood floor for an ideal non slip very light drain away flooring solution it's around 3mm or so thick, I've been SIBing for 25years and this caravan awning drain away ground sheet is the best SIB floor protector and comfy seat solution I have found to date, fuel and salt water seen not to effect it but dirty used oil and grease will stain it however it cleans back up with warm water and washing up liquid/washing detergent etc , its very tough and you will struggle to rip it by hand further more it floats


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Old 24 May 2018, 19:34   #2
Lee1's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: South East
Make: Waveline V SIB
Length: under 3m
Engine: Mercury 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 384
Just tried to buy some more of this to finish my speed boat flooring. . . It's no longer available, seems to have been replaced by a nylon kind of material, it looks the same and has the same drain away design but it's not the same and won't give the same cushioning as the original rubber type, luckily I found 2 listings of it on ebay sold as used and I will be buying any that comes up for my future boats, now we will all be bidding for it lol.
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