18 April 2015, 22:40
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
Sib floor matting strikes again.
I was so taken by the rubberised foam floor that I fitted to my Honwave 3.5ae that I bought some more for my recently acquired Seago Eco 2.6m.
I got the sections from Halfords at 10 quid for 6 pieces.
I used 4 to cover the slatted sections upto the area where the bow tapers inwards.
Used the off cuts to lay in the gaps between the wooden slats to stop the floor sagging.
I had 2 sections left so I put them aside.
I cut a section of plywood big enough to lay the Seago on top of whilst it is parcelled up inside its carry bag.
Covered the ply with the remaining rubberised foam sections - stuck the matting to the ply with no more nails.
I will mount the foam covered section of ply to my roof bars with u bolts.
I intend to lift the bagged up Seago onto the roof mounted ply base and secure it with ratchet straps.
The wife will have a sh@t fit when we go to Tesco during the summer and I have the Sib on the roof ready for off down the beach whilst she does the weekly shop!
I will post up pics of my makeshift sib roof carrier and my impending divorce certificate in dye course lol.
19 April 2015, 07:02
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Looking good Kaman. I had my version out on Friday..and will post about it when I get things cleared up..read it and your next project will be a spray dodger for your boat. Remember they are wet little SIBS..so you need to bail frequently
19 April 2015, 09:53
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
You may well be right Gurnard spray dodger might be next project. I'll need to dig out the thread of the one you made and copy it - as I recall it was a belter.
Researching my wee trip to Loch Doon on Tuesday and came accross an interesting video. Didn't know that Hitler was a fisherman lol!
Don't fancy my chances of catching much - I am now worried about loosing those Mepps I got for Xmas!
20 April 2015, 18:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 132
Hi there kaman.
How come you've got another little boat? I must say i do fancy a little rib too! Bet you won't fit an auxiliary on thar one, lol
20 April 2015, 19:25
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Originally Posted by The Bass Stalker
Hi there kaman.
Bet you won't fit an auxiliary on thar one, lol
No reason not to fit an aux to it ?..if you go to the open sea ...in remote areas.. in an off shore wind.. IMO it is advisable.. same small SIB..two engines.
However not so important in a sea loch or fresh water loch..as you will get blown to the far side..just a long walk back.
20 April 2015, 19:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 132
Originally Posted by The Gurnard
No reason not to fit an aux to it ?..if you go to the open sea ...in remote areas.. in an off shore wind.. IMO it is advisable.. same small SIB..two engines.
However not so important in a sea loch or fresh water loch..as you will get blown to the far side..just a long walk back.

Stand corrected. looks good. Do they have a keel, do they track ok,, what are they like?
20 April 2015, 19:55
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Slat floors..so cheap as chips..no keel..displacement speeds of 4 or 5 knots only..I love mine as I can throw it over shore walls ..down cliffs etc to access the water. Tough as old boots too  .. you wont over heat in them on a hot day either as they have built in water cooling on a wave day
Not many other qualities though
20 April 2015, 20:05
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Should have mentioned ...
Gotta wear wellies in them to keep feets dry..but hey..the fish don’t care what kind of tub you catch them in
20 April 2015, 20:10
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
Hi Bass Stalker / Gurnard.
I was away with the family in the caravan over Easter at Killin and Aberfeldy.
Just had my mountain bike for amusement.
Cycled around some lovely lochs which got me thinking that I wanted to get out on the water.
As my Honwave 3.5 is permanently trailered I can't take it along during my caravan jollies.
There are numerous freshwater and sea lochs that are quiet inaccessible to a trailered boat - queue the Seago in a bag.
Carry go waters edge - roll out, blow up and go.
I'm off to Loch Doon tomorrow with the Seago to do a bit of fishing / sight seeing and a have a fry up lunch.
As I only have the two engines - 2.5 hp Suzuki 4 stroke and 20 hp Tohatsu 4 stroke, I will make do with the 2.5hp tomorrow .
I might keep my eye out for a small 2 hp 2 stroke as an auxiliary for the Seago like Gurnard tho.
Until then it will be confined to Sea Lochs and Lochs.
Might venture a few hundred yards into Luce Bay for some Bass or off of the Ayrshire Coast for some Mackerel tho.
20 April 2015, 21:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 132
Sounds great. Got me thinking now. Nice bucket of mackie. Where are they from?
20 April 2015, 22:29
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
I get most of my Mackerel off Dunure / Ayr.
They are there in abundance during the summer but most are on the small side.
You do get bigger ones but they are in the minority.
My old man adores Mackerel and smokes them and freezes them by the barrow load.
My mother is not so keen on the smell they resonate throughout her house tho.
South Ayrshire Council put a huge skip on the boat launch ramp onto Ayr beach at Ayr India.
The council use a tractor to dredge / clear rubbish from the beach then load it into the skip.
No one can get their darn boats launched now as the skip is blocking the path alo g tge ramp onto the hard of packed sand.
As top of the beach is deep (sinking) white powered sand so accessing the beach elsewhere is off limits.
Queue the boat in a bag again - carry it onto shoreline, roll out, blow up and go fishing.
I can think of many applications where the small slat floor Sib will get used over its larger trailer stricken brother.
I can also think of many applications where the larger Sib will get preference too.
21 April 2015, 04:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 132
Thanks. Very informative. One day i might get up there. Always worried about midges though!
21 April 2015, 06:59
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
No midgies once your out on the salty water.
21 April 2015, 16:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 132
Alright if you sleep out there too then. Thanks for info
21 April 2015, 16:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Chester
Boat name: Larissa
Make: Jago
Length: under 3m
Engine: Electric/2hp Honda
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 19
how did you make that numb bum proof thwart? I need one.
21 April 2015, 19:51
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
Robert the seat cushion was professionally made by an upholsterer - cost me 3 squid.
It sure saves you from getting bum ache sitting on an otherwise rock hard plinth!
Took to fresh water loch today in the little Seago Eco 2.6m.
Very impressed!
A skoosh to carry to the waters edge and set up.
Only a few perch were biting tho!
Put the foam padded floor in which was a great success.
I sat on the seat and drifted along with the wind doing some dfrit fishing for an hour or so.
In no time at all I was 5 + miles away from where I launched.
Gurnard I can see what you mean that these little Sibs are "Wet boats".
On turning to head back to Port against the strengthening breeze and into the oncoming waves I was met with several large splashes in the face.
My 18 stone frame sitting forwards on the bench seat was causing the bow to sit low and the waves were slamming into it and then spraying into the Sib and my face.
Thanks to my padded floor I was able to sit dead centre on the floor, rearward tight to the transom.
This proved to be very comfortable and effective.
I was also able to kneel on the floor as well.
Having these seating options greatly assisted with varying my weight distribution.
In the main I was able to sit rearwards and raise the bow a little to combat the oncoming waves.
The little slat floor Seago has little or no rise in the Bow from the tubes.
My Honwave has a pronounced rise from the tube. I think this is the reason the smaller lower in the water slat floor Sib is more susceptible to a soaking.
I know when the waves whip up more severely your gonna get wet regardless - however in today's conditions the little Seago got me back to Port nice and dry.
I estimate there was no more than a quarter of a cup of water in the Sib upon my return.
A fews pics of a fun day out........
21 April 2015, 19:53
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 874
Above seat price should have read 30 squid😨😊
21 April 2015, 21:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Chester
Boat name: Larissa
Make: Jago
Length: under 3m
Engine: Electric/2hp Honda
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 19
Thanks for that. Any ideas for a low bow dodger in a similar sized SIB? Nice pics.Planning to do similar water in Snowdonia. N of Portmadog.
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