Originally Posted by otilly
I had a C3; completely desintegrated after 20 years. Unrepairable. Made a nice bonfire.
I'd say you got your moneys worth.
Originally Posted by Max...
As above it's usually the glue that goes rather than the material - some of the really quite old Hypalon Avon boats seem to go on forever and were beautifully made - I'd put one of those on the shortlist.
Having said that if the boats you are looking at are 2 - 5 years old then you should have no worries for quite a long time.
Given the choice (most of us are shackled by weight concerns and the fact that virtually all the popular SIB's - Zodiacs, Honwaves, Aerotec etc are PVC only) I'd have Hypalon all day long if I could. Nothing beats an old Avon or Zodiac in grey Hypalon and varnished marine ply in terms of aesthetics and build quality. 
Newer designs tend to have drier rides than their older counterparts. Older boats are usually designed around 2-stroke outboards, so if you put a 4-stroke on them, they perform like garbage.
Back in the days of DuPont Hypalon(R) and Avon Rubber Co. CSM, those boats did last forever...but, those days are gone now. Both companies no longer produce Hypalon/CSM fabric. All of the production has gone to Pennel & Flipo or Achilles JP.
I completely agree with you on the older wood! Zodiac used to own a share of a tree farm that they harvested all of their mahogany from...