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Old 02 October 2018, 10:01   #1
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SIB Pressure when trailering

Looking for some advice when using a trailer and the pressure you put in the tubes and floor on a Honwave 38ie, I intend carrying the 20hp 4 stroke outboard on the transom and it would have a cover fit, would you fill to the correct manufactures pressure or under inflate to allow for any temperature increase along the journey, I have seen that approximately 10f = 1PSI any thoughts most welcome.
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Old 02 October 2018, 10:42   #2
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The real danger time is high summer when you have topped up the pressures after a few mins of the water's cooling effect... then later pull up on a beach or slipway in the heat of the midday sun.

Each aggravating factor you remove makes it less of an issue.

Same trailering. While on the move the airflow will cool it a bit but park up in the sun on a hard surface car park and you run a risk.

On any cool or overcast day I'd be happy to trail at full pressure... but in any of the above circumstances consider reducing a bit.

The cover helps a bit though.
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Old 02 October 2018, 17:34   #3
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I trailer thru the California Desert and I lower the pressure 1 lb for the heat and altitude change. The keel gets deflated since it rides on the trailer better for me and the air was very cool when put on the trailer.
But I also use an outboard trailering brace and my transom sits on the bunks.
This is important. If your transom is hanging on the tubes while on the road try to keep the pressure full.
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Old 02 October 2018, 17:57   #4
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Originally Posted by knube1 View Post
Looking for some advice when using a trailer and the pressure you put in the tubes and floor on a Honwave 38ie, I intend carrying the 20hp 4 stroke outboard on the transom and it would have a cover fit, would you fill to the correct manufactures pressure or under inflate to allow for any temperature increase along the journey, I have seen that approximately 10f = 1PSI any thoughts most welcome.
Before I use the boat beging of the season I pump up to pressure and tow at that I never touch my pressures again unless it gets hot around 28 degrees and let a little out and top up as required but if temps are pretty average throughout the season I don't touch them. I do have it covered throughout the year whilst stood always done it with no probs.
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