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Old 03 September 2021, 10:40   #41
tidalwave2.7's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester
Make: Avon S250
Length: 3m +
Engine: tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 77
I recently replaced an old Avon foot pump, a plywood and hypalon affair with a cheap Decathon paddle board pump. Compared to the old pump it’s night and day. Tube pressure is easily reached quickly and can be seen on the gauge. Transformed the little Avon as the old pump never got the pressure high enough.

£19.99 and works on both up and down cycle. Can also extract air and water from the tubes, mostly plastic apart from alloy tube pumping handle so impervious to salt water.

I thought about an electric pump but after trying this new cheapo pump no need. The reverse function really aids packing the boat back into its bag.
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