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Old 08 August 2014, 17:14   #1
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Sib reccomendation for use with mainer 8hp

Hello all,
So we recently aquired a 17ft fiberglass fishing boat that we will use in the summer. However the rest of the year it will be sat out the water meaning the outboard thats used to power it ( mariner 8hp 2 stroke with mercury engine ) will be sat doing litte to no work.

I have decided I'd like to get another sib as I used to have one that could plain with a 4hp outboard. It was loads of fun but it was on the small side considering I used it in a large sea loch. Now that I have a larger 8hp outboard I thought i could get something larger and better suited to my location.

Can anybody please reccomend a sib that can be purchased new for under say £700 ( lower the better ) That is relatively large and can plane easily with an 8hp stroke and if possible 2 people aboard?

I would go secondhand however up where I am ( rural scottish highlands ) they are usually very few for sale and the one that are for sale are often the very small ones that take 4hp max and barely take 2 people.

Thanks for your time,
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Old 08 August 2014, 19:32   #2
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look at the honwave range I just bought a new 3.2 meter airdeck for £850.look on mailspeed marines website I bought mine over the phone and they deliverd it within 2 days it had a manufacturing fault so they replaced it straight away
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Old 08 August 2014, 20:15   #3
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Hi Ruan.. Having owned a couple of displacement speed hardshell boats ... perhaps its worth mentioning that many of those boats use long shaft outboards.

Is your 8hp a longshaft one ? It could help to know.. not that I know of smaller sibs that use a longshaft..but someone else may know ? Most sibs I know of are best with a short shaft ?
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Old 08 August 2014, 20:58   #4
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
Hi Ruan.. Having owned a couple of displacement speed hardshell boats ... perhaps its worth mentioning that many of those boats use long shaft outboards.

Is your 8hp a longshaft one ? It could help to know.. not that I know of smaller sibs that use a longshaft..but someone else may know ? Most sibs I know of are best with a short shaft ?
You are correct- The outboard is a long shaft, which is something I forgot about when deciding to get another sib. Perhaps I'll need to reconsider.

Having said that my neighbhour recently aquired a sib that he is using with a 8hp longshaft 4 stroke outboard and seems to have no noticeable problems, however I havent been in the sib so don't know from experience.

There is a small displacemeant hull dinghy that is on the shore in some bushes near where I live. Its sat there for many years and I know the owner. Perhaps I'd be better off going for that. The only thing I would miss is the speed.
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Old 08 August 2014, 20:59   #5
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I echo The Gunard, if its a long shaft you will have issues.

Easist sib to plane will be a flat air floor, under 3m. The Honwaves are good boats but they are heavy and V floored which takes a lot more power to get them moving.

Lots of choice with your budget, had a look at the new Suzumar's last week and they look good, they should also hold value.

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Old 08 August 2014, 21:19   #6
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I've got a Seago 290 (rated for 10hp) and it'll just plane on flat water with 2 people aboard with my Yam 8 on it.
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Old 10 August 2014, 09:43   #7
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Maybe you like this,

AWN Tender-/Sportboote with VIB high pressure ground .
With high-pressure air floor "VIB". The AWN VIB's are rapid glider with a completely new Design concept. Maximum safety, optimum ride and easy handling in all conditions were the requirements for this development. To achieve this, the VIB has a high pressure air floor (0.8 bar!) equipped in a V-shape. This enables virtually identical handling characteristics of RIBs, with significantly lower weight, smaller pack size and higher load capacity! The V-shaped underwater ship is guarantee for balanced control behavior and very good stability on a straight Run.At the rear are trim tabs with tear flow profiles integrated. They optimize planing and achive even greater driving dynamics , and ensures stable conditions in tight corners.The raised bow area provides not only a much drier ride but also for superior handling in rough seas. The tethers increase the safety and comfort on board, and the extra wide Skirting around protects the boat from damage during berthing and collisions. Other features, such as strong aluminum oars with plastic sheets, the secured oarlocks, the stable bench and three towing eyes, are now standard on all AWN sport boats. The boat is only 8 months Old and in New condition it can be put in a Car and it also has a middle Seat and Carry bag and Foot Pump.

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