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Old 10 June 2015, 09:23   #1
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SIB telescopic tiller extension review

A quick review for those who might be interested and following this topic:

I bought one of the eBay recommended ones at £20 posted:

Telescopic Outboard Motor/Tiller Extension Handle 17"-25" | eBay

And it's not too bad. Reasonably well made and fits the large diameter Mercury/Mariner handle like a glove. The extension comes with a rubber insert for thinner tillers too but this was not needed which helps it feel more solid, the thumbscrew works well and stood up to some rough conditions at the weekend.

However, two concerns; firstly the socket is secured to the tube with two rivets, as these are opposite each other they allow a bit of slop in the fitting, I added two more rivets between making it much more secure and solid.

Second is more potentially dodgy - it 'locks' using the usual twist either way method with an eccentric plug inside the tube, same as the telescopic walking sticks. It is possible then that if not *really* tight it could possibly loosen in use and undo at a critical moment of throttle control. As the tiller extension was the perfect length at the shortest point, I locked it tight and simply drilled a 5mm hole to insert a SS bolt right through locking both parts together. It would be easy to make another hole or more further along if you did want a choice of lengths.

Anyway, in use it works great - I would say it's essential for a SIB as all the ones I have had needed some sort of extension to get the driver forward more for comfort and performance.

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Old 10 June 2015, 10:42   #2
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I've got the bison extendable one from amazon

The clamp part looks very similar to yours (although not sure from memory how many rivets but I haven't noticed any movement), the extension part has a pop pin instead of the twist lock so is a lot more secure. Although it's so long that I actually use it in it's smallest configuration!
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Old 10 June 2015, 11:49   #3
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Just bought the same on myself, and yes seems great value, not tried it yet but will follow your mods, so thanks for the heads up
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Old 10 June 2015, 11:53   #4
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Originally Posted by blootac View Post
I've got the bison extendable one from amazon

The clamp part looks very similar to yours (although not sure from memory how many rivets but I haven't noticed any movement), the extension part has a pop pin instead of the twist lock so is a lot more secure. Although it's so long that I actually use it in it's smallest configuration!
Yes, I think the rivet part is the same - as they are opposite each other (in the same 'plane') and the tube is very slightly loose in the nylon socket it allows a bit of side to side movement which is amplified a lot more at the handle end. Just happier to have a couple more rivets two TBH as the alu tube is pretty thin gauge. None of this matter pottering up a river say but in a big sea I don't want the risk.
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Old 10 June 2015, 22:13   #5
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Hi , just a thouht , does the tiller extension put a bit of strain on the kill cord ?
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Old 10 June 2015, 22:36   #6
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I use one that looks identical. It's fine, but I'd caution about checking how tight the knurled nut on the base is. The "rubber" liner on mine has quick a small contact area with the extension itself (on my engine).

One day, while horsing about, the extension came off while I was underway. Luckily not fully off and I could jam it back on and slow down. Nearly a killcord moment for me I reckon. I tie the cord to my lower leg so no stretch there in a 2.7m SIB
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Old 11 June 2015, 07:59   #7
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
I use one that looks identical. It's fine, but I'd caution about checking how tight the knurled nut on the base is. The "rubber" liner on mine has quick a small contact area with the extension itself (on my engine).

One day, while horsing about, the extension came off while I was underway. Luckily not fully off and I could jam it back on and slow down. Nearly a killcord moment for me I reckon. I tie the cord to my lower leg so no stretch there in a 2.7m SIB
(Hey willk with apologies for 'another plastic accessory for your SIB topic'.... )

Yes, this is perfect on the Mercury as it's a really chunky handle and fits the taper perfectly along the full length. As you say, something coming loose while 'horsing about' was my fear too hence the mods.

Re' the cord - yes pretty long on this engine and I clip it to the LH side of my LJ so no undue stretch.
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Old 11 June 2015, 08:39   #8
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I use the extension without the rubber insert as the mariner's throttle grip is quite large. it fits in very snuggly and isn't going anywhere once tightened up.

The standard quicksilver cord I've got (as supplied with the engine from new) is tight... I've got longer cords but the standard is just about long enough.
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Old 11 June 2015, 09:48   #9
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
(Hey willk with apologies for 'another plastic accessory for your SIB topic'.... )
Hey - I'm a fan! Just making a point (as usual )
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Old 11 June 2015, 10:40   #10
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I also got one for my Suzuki DF2.5 and immediately replaced the two rivets with SS screws and some Araldite, now really solid.
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