Originally Posted by Flyguy
I just want something that I can self-launch and recover that can handle a moderate chop. Something that can cut through this without bouncing me around too much yet has a shallow enough draft that I can fish shallow reefs. Cost will also be a factor so if a RIB is twice as expensive as a normal boat then I'll go for a boat. Probably similar to this:
Unfortunately in the UK we don't get the choice of centre console bay boats that they get in the US and Oz.
Flyguy, I'm going to do what I hate when people on here do - and suggest my own brand of boat!

I'll not make any claims that it is perfect, or ideal for what you want (only you can decide that) or that it is the best boat and you shouldn't consider any others. But it strikes me that you are open minded enough to consider boats that are not ribs/sibs. You are working to a budget. You like fishing - whilst I have never heard of anyone hook a tube: hooks, knifes, blood & guts, and the storage space for all your kit - is not ideal on a small sib/rib.
I'm not sure what you consider to be a "moderate chop". I'm guessing you don't mean a "moderate sea state" within the official definition (1.25-2.5m waves) as I can't imagine that being very pleasant or comfortable in any small boat (regardless of hull form). But I suppose that also depends what you define as comfortable!
So my suggestion is you see if you can get a trial in something like this in the sort of conditions you dislike at present.
[YOUTUBE]SpHvgM4eS9E[/YOUTUBE] (if you are going to be up here at all you are welcome to try mine)
For less than the cost of a RIB it brings many of the benefits of a RIB with some of its own (more storage, essentially puncture proof, easily rinsed down from blood and guts, more seating for passengers without being perched on a bouncy tube.
There are other brands offering similar concepts.