thought i would share my trip following the flotilla on saturday 29th april easedale to ballachulish.
i,ve done a few of theses now mostly in my rib but i must say i never enjoyed it as much as this trip in my SIB.
pics of the route & my rig sorry about the quality of the route pic.
i didn't take any pics on the day i was too focused on the boat handling and any chance of a rest in the calmer sections i just sat and enjoyed the view.
well the weather had done for us again this year but tony had a route to suit the conditions [force 5-6 SSE] i had a word with him the day before re me coming along in the SIB i was up for it and he agreed there was enough lee shore to get behind to protect me and if the worst happened he would pick me up on the way back so that was it i knew there would be some rough stuff but i know my limitations and the boats so not adverse to turning around and heading home, the first bit i love anyway so going back through clachan sound was no problem.
so off we set 90.30-09.45 ish i was in the middle of the pack going towards cuan sound well i say pack it was like a washing machine as each rib past i got their wake from all angles as i tried to keep a straight course, so i stopped and waited till all went past except the ceasar surfcat which went past later like an angry wasp dont know what speed he was doing but at 16 knots i thought i was moored up

great little boat.
so through cuan sound with the tide 25 knots one of the RIBS came back to check on me [ thanks Ewan] but i was fine and off we went between seil & torsa hitting 21 knots i caught up with the RIBS just at the bottom of clachan sound,nice slow pace up the sound just before the bridge i noticed 3-4 large waves caused by the RIBS wakes very close together i knew i was going to get wet so here we go over the first stuffed into the second over the rest up to the bridge sorted carried on out into the firth of lorne past eilean duin set course for bach island bit rough but on the plane [12 knots] past bach isle onto eilean musdile, approaching the lighthouse it got very rough by the time i got there wind against tide but heading for the light i was at 45 degrees or thereabouts to the waves so with a bit of careful helming i got on and off the plane to make decent headway & round the lighthouse into calm water of the lynn of morvern for a rest.
to be cont;