Okey Dokey, here I am, fresh as a daisy.
First port of call
RYA This is general info regarding foreign use.
Here is specific info regarding
France This is also important:
When you've ploughed your way through that lot, here's what it boils down to. France is full of French & everyone is a bureaucrat

If you are out of the way, chances are you will be left alone. If you frequent busy areas, chances are you will cross swords with at least 1 of the French maritime agencies & there are lots of 'em

Navy (spotty 12 year olds with guns), Douane (customs, fat men with guns) Affaire Maritime (sort of fisheries protection with guns, who have a chip because they really wanted to be Gendarmes but failed the entry test), Gendarme Maritime (marine police with guns) Do you see the theme

We've been boarded several times in the 20odd years we've been going out there, the first time I nearly sh4t meself

(Douane, fat men with guns) We had no paper work, no flag, couldn't prove that we were a British registered vessel ('cos we weren't), so they made us go back inshore & stay within the 5 mile limit that applies to small French boats. I came home, joined the RYA, got a bollocking off the then cruising secretary who then spent time helping me get things in order. So here's what I take:-
ICC, not actually required in France but it doesn't hurt.
Insurance, make sure it covers you in France.
SSR, absolutely necessary along with a red ensign, it keeps the French away.
Radio/OFCOM paperwork if VHF etc fitted.
Short Range VHF/DSC Cert.
Original purchase invoice for boat, trailer, electronics showing VAT paid.
I don't carry flares, if you do, they MUST be in date. Carrying out of date flares in France is punishable with a fine.
Enjoy, it really is a great country