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Old 29 December 2020, 07:45   #61
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Dunblane
Boat name: Sula
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 300
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 184
Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
Hi guys... Its been a few years now but I regularly paid around £50 per year to the SAA (Scottish Aero modellers Association)and the local club to fly aeroplanes. I fully agree with all the new laws as too many think it ok to fly drones only a few meters from folks faces. Over the years, I have seen some bad injuries to hands with propellers cutting deep into flesh and that was in controlled club situations. I also had to sit tests to prove I could fly safely and that was 15-20 years there is nothing new there

Possibly what stops me getting a drone is my experience of “what goes up..must come down” and I know that it is not always controlled. Im reluctant to throw money away as I like to get value for the little I have. Hence the prototype sails and leeboards before spending good money. If I did get a drone.. I think would also rejoin the SAA so Im under their umbrella again .

For info only.. sails are not flat ..they are aerodynamically shaped, like an aeroplane wing and the leeboard position is like finding the C of G of a model aeroplane .. it has to “balance” the force on the sails for it to perform well .. but all that info is easily researched on the internet.. but personally, I take a lot of advice on forums with a pinch of salt .. simply because it is often misleading
Man of many talents Donny. Perhaps radio control boats is a more natural interest. And safer! I have one left now, a Clyde Steamer at 1:48 scale. Rest have new homes.

As for drones. I have been grounded. Kids bought me a light weight toy one a few years back. I still have the footage from the onboard camera as it fell to earth , its final image the upside down number plate of a near neighbours Range Rover , the walk of shame. " can i have my drone back please". I will stick to R/C boats!
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