Originally Posted by mhill
Tbf they don’t have anything other than the Pilots to send out to move you on. Not sure where Kent police marine unit are based but if anything like Essex they will struggle to react timely unless they are already on the water. Doubt the Met are going to send a Targa either.
If you were wandering across London Bridge you might well think "Not seen a cop for a while..if something happens they will take ages to get here.. and then struggle to do much with their stupid hat and a truncheon".
If you do something completely stupid, you'll find out just how fast they can be there and with what force. First armed response to fishmongers was 5 minutes. Westminster bridge attack there were FIFTY armed officers within 20 minutes.
You don't need a police boat to go tell some eejit in a SKB to shift. But if they don't move, or return when the pilot boat leaves, given the amount of ordnance down there and it's potential for repurposing - you might well expect a "swift and robust" response... ...make sure you haven't got plans for that evening... ...make sure you left your house tidy for them when they come to rummage it.