I have finally got my SSR Registration Number for my Elling kb350

Does anyone know where I can get the number made and put on the boat like signs that they put on cars.
Also there is no room on the transom with the launching wheels and engine attached, should I put it on the tube at the back.
On Monday I am booked to have the RYA Power Boat Level 2 Course as this is my first boat and to give confidence all gos well should have that plus the ICC Document so other than the insurance will have all the paper work needed except the insurance.
Any recommendation what insurance company to go for
Next week I will be posting updates with photos of the progress so far, the new bunks that I have made and will be putting the boat on the trailer.
The reason for getting all the paper work needed and in order is that I am taking my sib to Tui in Galicia Spain where I have a holiday home, it is by the river Minho which borders between Galicia & Portugal which is the largest river in Galicia and a lovely river, I can cruise down to the Estuary or up river so looking forward to getting it there and have many happy hours.