I think it boils down to how you use it. If you're going to stick it on a boat and leave it there then the 4 stroke is generally going to be easier. No fuel mixing, better economy and quieter. But if you're going to be lifting it in and out of a car, on and off a boat, in and out of the garage then it's 2 stroke all day long for me. A 15hp 2s is usually smaller so easier to sling aboit and typically about 10kg lighter and easy enough to lift with one hand.
Usually a 15hp 2s is about 35kg and a 15hp 4s around 45kg. Also, the 4s is usually a detuned 20 so you have all the weight and size but less poke than you could get for the same graft.
If the 15 2s is as heavy as a 4s then I'd go 4s. I like the power of a 2s and the simplicity but for the same hassle I'd go for the quieter, smoother 4s.