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Old 20 March 2011, 19:18   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Make: Suzumar
Length: under 3m
Engine: Johnson 2Hp
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 9
Suzumar 2.9 + Johnson 2Hp

Hi people im new on here ,i see there is a wealth of information so just a quick one,is this any good on the open sea anywhere? i bought this a couple of years ago and the guy told me it would be ok on the thames and thats about it, just thinking of just doing a bit of fishing just about half a mile out and what sort of sea ie flat calm ,some replies would be great.


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Old 20 March 2011, 22:23   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: avon adventure 4.5
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You'd be pretty brave. I cut my teeth in a 2.7 air deck with 2.5hp mariner which was a laugh, but only just got on the plane with one person on it. I never took it further off shore than I could swim. I really don't see how it would have been much good for fishing even in ideal conditions - it's just too small to be safe offshore in the sea. Remember it only takes a few mins for conditions to change and 2hp is just not enough to escape against wind/tide.

However for a bit of summer fun near shore boats you can throw in anywhere like that are really hard to beat. Just be aware of their limitations and play safe
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Old 21 March 2011, 06:41   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Make: Suzumar
Length: under 3m
Engine: Johnson 2Hp
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 9
Ok thsats fine what about going out with a bigger moter about 9hp ?

Thanks for reply
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Old 21 March 2011, 16:55   #4
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Originally Posted by kdaw View Post
Ok thsats fine what about going out with a bigger moter about 9hp ?

Thanks for reply
If your only 1/2 a mile or so out on a flat calm day with a good forecast - 9hp would do fine. Just keep a look out for ferrys/whales/sharks/pirates etc sneaking up behind you. The guy I bought my boat from was using a 6hp for similar trips - IMHO - 6 is a bit on the small side. Just takes the wind to pick up a bit and there could be tears.

I just upgraded from the 6hp to a 20hp for some sea cruising ( again not more than a couple of miles from shore) , as people (Bigmuzz) were freaking me out with stories of whales and stuff chasing me about the place on the West Coast.

Have you got VHF/flares/support RIB etc??
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Old 21 March 2011, 17:25   #5
Country: UK - England
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Suzumar + Johnson 2

I agree that for real sea use you'll need more horses. The trouble is that as performance and power go up, so does the weight. A 2 to 3.5 2 stroke can be carried easily, but a 10, although nice for your boat, makes the whole outfit much less portable and easy to throw in anywhere. It might be an idea to have two engines. I've got a Tohatsu 3.5 on an Avon 280, which is great and easy fun, but for going to sea off the North Norfolk Coast, I use an Avon 311 RIB with a Tohatsu 10.
That's the problem, though. The more boating I do, the more boats I want!!!!
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Old 21 March 2011, 23:04   #6
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I fish half a mile out,in 20ft of water in a 2.7 sib and a 3.3hp mariner,have done for a few years now,only on flat calm days,not much tide run were i fish in the Thames estury,i have every health and safey aspect covered known to man,can be done ,but as said 2hp engine far to small,went out yesterday on a big tide ,have fished bigger ,got 2 rays.2 small codling ,loads of whiting mostly pin,a dog vhf,even a fishfinder and a GPS,along with compass ,maps puncture outfit, have to study the weather right as well,tell folk were you are going ,what time you are back,lots to take in.
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Old 22 March 2011, 08:03   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Make: Suzumar
Length: under 3m
Engine: Johnson 2Hp
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 9
Ok thanks for the feed back guys really helpful I will be needing a bigger engine if anyone has one looking for one about 7-10HP and I have a sea horse 2HP for sale now then good condition £140.
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Old 24 March 2011, 20:39   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Make: Suzumar
Length: under 3m
Engine: Johnson 2Hp
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 9
Just a quick one have not got enough cash for a 10Hp what's the min you could get away with and also do this where the front of the boat glides sounds kind of cool.
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Old 25 March 2011, 08:59   #9
Country: UK - England
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Argh just wrote a huge reply but then comp crashed.
I wouldn't go below 6 really in terms of safety. With 8 or 10hp your boat will just fly and be so much more fun. You could easily take a mate fishing then and be able to have fun zooming around. You mention I think getting on the plane - to do that reliably with more than just you on board or in any sort of chop it takes some grunt

I used to have a 3.8 with 15hp and it was excellent even with three aboard used to pop over the iow from Lee on Solent for a pint was great- wouldn't have dared do that on my old air deck with it's teeny engine though. I know of people with bigger boats that yours who have great times with 9.9 hp motors.

Tbh I'd not waste your money on less than an 8hp - it'll just be so much more usable and SAFE. A basically three meter boat has so much potential for fun - trying to cut corners on the engine is just going to be something you regret.
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Old 25 March 2011, 11:02   #10
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: avon adventure 4.5
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50hp e-tec
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 307
Just spotted this in the engines forum would be pretty much perfect
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