Thanks! (The wife is actually a nice one. I guess i keep here

Regarding lessons learned, the most important change until next year will be the steering console. I'm sitting to low and need to sit higer to get a better view. There was a lot of sallow tidal currents, and they are harder to navigate sitting down.
Another lesson learned is to never stop the engine in a tidal current. In some situation we had to tilt the engine all the way up to avoid rocks (the propeller was out off the water.) Its better to leave the engine running, because you will lose your steering for a longer periode of time, if you turn it off. We hit a riverside rock wall because of this mistake, but it all went well.
Other than the steering console issue the boat performed very good. There was no trouble with the boat or the engine. We could bring lots of gear, food and drinks due to the loading capacity
The weather was very nice, so we were lucky. The kids loved it, so we have to return next year. If the wife approves