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Old 18 August 2010, 00:54   #1
Country: Ireland
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 6

hi all ,
I have recently been looking at getting in to some water sports and since about 07 been interested in thundercats , so while the time wasnt right a few years back i have managed to get a buddy of mine intrested and we are both looking to purchase one between us .
I have been in touch with the guys in cork (Ireland) and am in the process of arranging a trip out on a TC .
my experance of boating is limited to a month on a tallship(many years ago on the Asgard 2 ((such a shame she is on the sea bed)) and the odd few trips on some speedboats and ribs (mostly just fishing trips with mates etc)

but from looking about I have a few questions

1st of I would do a powerboat course before I would take part .. would a level 1 course be enough .

2. is TC a growing sport or not , the reason I ask is that a lot of the TC sites i have seen seem not to be updated (bar the great site in cork ) so was wondering if interest is waning

3. Im about 14st is that too much weight to be competitive in the sport (the actual racing)

4. I have seen a few post that say not to buy a ex race boat

5.this been Ireland I take it that equipment should include a dry suit , any recommendations

if there is anything else that you think i should know let me know .

thanks all and a great site by the way .

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Old 18 August 2010, 07:25   #2
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Originally Posted by darraghq View Post
hi all ,
I have recently been looking at getting in to some water sports and since about 07 been interested in thundercats , so while the time wasnt right a few years back i have managed to get a buddy of mine intrested and we are both looking to purchase one between us .
I have been in touch with the guys in cork (Ireland) and am in the process of arranging a trip out on a TC .
my experance of boating is limited to a month on a tallship(many years ago on the Asgard 2 ((such a shame she is on the sea bed)) and the odd few trips on some speedboats and ribs (mostly just fishing trips with mates etc)

but from looking about I have a few questions

1st of I would do a powerboat course before I would take part .. would a level 1 course be enough .

2. is TC a growing sport or not , the reason I ask is that a lot of the TC sites i have seen seem not to be updated (bar the great site in cork ) so was wondering if interest is waning

3. Im about 14st is that too much weight to be competitive in the sport (the actual racing)

4. I have seen a few post that say not to buy a ex race boat

5.this been Ireland I take it that equipment should include a dry suit , any recommendations

if there is anything else that you think i should know let me know .

thanks all and a great site by the way .

1 It depends on whether you're going to race or not really, but wait until you've had a trip out and discuss training with those guys, you may be able to find something more specific to Thundercats.

2 has up to date stuff on it and certainly the UK side seems to be thriving, Fiona Pascoe runs it with a dedicated crew.

3 Not sure on weight really - it won't be so bad in rougher conditions but may be a hindrance in flat races. Go to a race and see what sort of shape the competition is in!

4 I think most Thundercats have been raced at some point, but if it has been raced at least you'll know how fast it is - props are the secret!

5 Again talk to the people you're going out with - a wetsuit should be fine in the summer.

Hope that helps, I am certainly not a Thundercat expert, but I have raced one (In Portugal!), and I have raced a few other things!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 20 August 2010, 02:12   #3
Country: Ireland
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Thanks Cookee , I checked this as soon as you posted but left it a few days as I wanted to see if there would be other replies and to judge intrest ( I know this isnt a TC forum but you neve know )

Im looking forward to trying it out and giving it a go .

if anyone else has exp with TC/ZC please do let me know what you think

Thanks again Cookee for the reply
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Old 20 August 2010, 07:33   #4
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Originally Posted by darraghq View Post
Thanks Cookee , I checked this as soon as you posted but left it a few days as I wanted to see if there would be other replies and to judge intrest ( I know this isnt a TC forum but you neve know )

Im looking forward to trying it out and giving it a go .

if anyone else has exp with TC/ZC please do let me know what you think

Thanks again Cookee for the reply
You're welcome - where are you in Ireland? - it's a shame you're a bit late in the season as the Thundercats came over earlier this year for the Round Ireland race and did some races at the start finish venue in Galway.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 21 August 2010, 23:29   #5
Country: Ireland
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In the southwest , limerick , still I do spend a lot of time in clare very near the coast and it was there that I recently saw one which again peaked my intrest that and been out in a mates rather nice speed boat ... but not having a 100K handy I think the TC would be a better way of getting in to this ..
ah ya know its late but all the better to prepare for next year .. I dont mind the cold too much as Im blessed with several inches of insulation

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Old 24 August 2010, 07:04   #6
Country: UK - Wales
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Hi there,

I'm new to this site, and this is my first post.
I have some experience of Zapcats.

Firstly, I would say do the level 1 and 2 rya course. In the UK, zapcat won't release a new boat unless you are qualified.
The course is a brilliant intro into general powerboating and will serve as the basis for many a happy year on the water.
The racing side is still going strong. However, the races are held all over the place so be prepered to travel. It also costs a chunk (over £1500 a season) to pay entry fees and insurance.
I wouldn't worry about weight, plenty of big guys racing and as Cookee says, helps in bigger seas.
Don't know why not buy an ex-race boat. If it's maintained well, it should give many years service. Those Tohatsu 50's are pretty unstressed
We wear wetsuits all year round, or sometimes just shorts and t-shirts in summer whilst playing. I do have a drysuit which is the best in cold weather. We're in South Wales and play in the Bristol Channel, so I would think similar weather to you.

Hope some of this helps

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Old 24 August 2010, 22:32   #7
Country: Ireland
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thanks guys ,
done a course a number of years back but if I decide to take it up I shall be doing the level 1&2 courses as I wouldnt feel right heading out in open water with no (offical) training esp if I had a passenger on board .

thundercats seem to be the bigger of the cats here in Ireland , so I reckon will be a TC as opposed to a ZC ..

reckon it will be a while before I decide to do any racing , juding by utube its fairly competitive

also is there any information on what to look for when buying a 2nd hand cat I have had a look but cant see anything , I will be asking the guys at but I like to research as much as possible before spending my hard earned cash

thanks again for any replies .

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Old 04 September 2010, 22:40   #8
Country: Ireland
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wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

well finally made it out today with the guys from thundercatracing Ireland ... what can I say but WOW what an amazing rush , the guys were great and even my wife ( who is convinced the sea is populated by deadly sea creatures) loved it .

the lads from TCI were super , so welcoming and very good at showing us the ins and out ..

My brother and I are now on look out for one ...

so along with the sore behind and the sun burn there are huge grins all round ..

Just said Would pass it on

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