TobinSports 330 sibcat - Costco
OK so added a TobinSports Grand Haven Elite 330 (bit of a mouthful) inflatable catamaran to our fleet the other day. Doubt this’ll be a keeper but thought at only 480 quid got to be worth a punt just for the fun of testing over the summer. Will it be robust enough and give a decent ride or be just another glorified beach toy….well I soon hope to find out.
Hassle free purchase, just a quick trip down to our local Costco for some provisions and a boat, easy peasy. Neatly packaged with everything included in the box it was quickly assembled and inflated in a spare bedroom. Hands up, aware forum custom stipulates lounge.
Initial impressions, not looking too shabby bearing in mind this is only a budget boat. Comes complete with lightweight valise, one ally seat, oars, single action hp pump, valve tool and repair patches…no glue…and basic instructions/conformity certificate.
It’s been inflated for three days now with no discernible loss in pressure. Standard pressures of 0.24 bar and 0.7 bar sponsons and floor respectively. Superlight at only just over 30 kilos. Unusually the hp deck is integral and glued to the tubes negating the more common pvc fabric hull below. The open transom is formed from 25mm shs stainless steel and not removable. Sponson seams appear to be fully welded not glued. Overall quality of finish only average but much better than the price point would suggest.
Negative comments would include no frills design with lack of any internal handles/deck fixing points/bow tow rings etc, tank straps near transom, single compartment sponsons, no prv’s, no water deflection moulding to rubbing strake, open transom design negates fitting off the peg transom wheels without modification, some spot welds on transom look a bit iffy and deck could have slightly more sheer rise at bow.
Positive comments include personally quite like the overall look/design/colour, it has an open transom, rated to 15hp, good depth between underside of deck and sponsons, full length keel protection strakes, fully welded main tube seams, and potentially a lot of boat for the money.
Of course all the above only based on initial visual comments and it may well ride/handle like a pig and fall to bits in no time at all. Overall hull/underwater shape doesn’t shout any glaring issues but we’ll only find out when it gets wet, which won’t be for a good few weeks. Whatever happens looking forward to the challenge of setting up motor height/trim/prop type etc. to eliminate the usual ventilation issues all cats seem prone to.
Motor wise hopefully testing with 9.8 and 15hp at the performance end, down to 3.5hp petrol and electric motors for pottering/chilling.
A few pics attached below.