Too much weight upfront slowing me down?
So is there a fine balance in how to distribute weight in 3.6m SIB? My first trip out this year with the new 20hp mercury 4 stroke was with my father on choppy waters. We were able to hit 34kph together and 43kph on my own that day.. it took forever to get onto plane on my own because I have no weight up front.. the fuel tank was beside me at the back.
So to alleviate this, I extended my fuel line and mounted the fuel tank up front for the next trip. Last night I got out on completely calm water, was only able to hit 31kph with my friend with the fuel tank (1/2 full 25L tank) and a 15lb anchor at the front of the boat... we got onto plane very easily.
On my own, I was able to plane easily with this setup but I topped out at 35kph...
Does this mean I have too much weight up front? or perhaps its a trim setting? What should I try next? I have the trim set to 1 position from the lowest, I thought this was the right angle for it to be at..