Well, one thing is for certain - Silkaflex goes EVERYWHERE. Latex gloves next time. I can't get it off hands with anything. Sunday lunch out today with - black handed man and two whole toilet roles to wipe everything.
I used Fenlander's tips locating the button first, then using the small level to ensure they were vertical. The tubes just about clear, hopefully they will with 4-5 people! I used I think, a 5mm drill and silkaflex in the holes and re-sealed the button holes with it, and the navigation light pole holes.
A junior hacksaw cut off the extra bolts and I will have to order some proper size end caps. I see what is needed, some sort of house insulation or massive pad to protect the fitting. I will find something close to Fenlander's heavy duty gloves, for now I am using three towels.
I had to let out the starboard button a little as it was too tight following an earlier transom wheel incident that slightly ate away at the wood.
I also used some wood filler covered by silkaflex to seal scuffs on the transom.
I lost a wheel pin but will easily get another. I forgot to take a final picture, but here are two with one in place. It is quite a push to lock them down when in the upright position but then again, they are secure when smashing against the waves.
Thanks for your tips. I am not sure about posh London skips or naked London garden sunbathing though, can't relate to either.