Well, as it was such a good forecast for yesterday, we decided to take a trip up to Ullswater and launch Korky the KB for her maiden voyage.
To say it went well would be an understatement. The trip up was beautiful, the set up and launch went without a hitch, the boat and motor performed perfectly all day and the sun beat down! It was fantastic to be able to beach when and where you wanted, I felt like a canadian trapper at times (OK, getting carried away now!) A great tip that came from rib.net was that if you ring Park Foot the day before, you can pay over the phone in advance and just turn up on the day, park up and launch all for a fiver!
Feedback on the boat/motor would be, very well made and designed, great floor and keel design that makes it stable and very responsive with very little, if any, drift. Rides best at speed and doesn't ship water unless you are too slow through the chop. Comfortable seats that didn't shift. Very easy to manage for 2 people with no transom wheels, would be a doddle for a single crew with wheels. It took us just less than half an hour from beaching to being packed up and ready to go thanks to the Ruitx pump.
Overall view is that the boat is a belter and will do exactly what we want and need it to do.
What has made all this such a great experience is the all help and info I have been able to access on rib.net . From boat and motor choice, places to launch and the best way to set up and pack away, it has all been first class and not like so many other sites where everyone squabbles and rubbishes other peoples views, brilliant, thanks!
Boat: Elling KB350 with Tohatsu 9.8 Smoker (I love the smell of 2 stroke in the morning)
Captain: Sid the dog
Crew: Sal, Rosie and Dave








Heres a link to a short film Rosie made!