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Old 21 September 2020, 21:06   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Northish
Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 95
Ullswater Trip - Korky gets her feet wet

Well, as it was such a good forecast for yesterday, we decided to take a trip up to Ullswater and launch Korky the KB for her maiden voyage.
To say it went well would be an understatement. The trip up was beautiful, the set up and launch went without a hitch, the boat and motor performed perfectly all day and the sun beat down! It was fantastic to be able to beach when and where you wanted, I felt like a canadian trapper at times (OK, getting carried away now!) A great tip that came from was that if you ring Park Foot the day before, you can pay over the phone in advance and just turn up on the day, park up and launch all for a fiver!

Feedback on the boat/motor would be, very well made and designed, great floor and keel design that makes it stable and very responsive with very little, if any, drift. Rides best at speed and doesn't ship water unless you are too slow through the chop. Comfortable seats that didn't shift. Very easy to manage for 2 people with no transom wheels, would be a doddle for a single crew with wheels. It took us just less than half an hour from beaching to being packed up and ready to go thanks to the Ruitx pump.

Overall view is that the boat is a belter and will do exactly what we want and need it to do.

What has made all this such a great experience is the all help and info I have been able to access on . From boat and motor choice, places to launch and the best way to set up and pack away, it has all been first class and not like so many other sites where everyone squabbles and rubbishes other peoples views, brilliant, thanks!

Boat: Elling KB350 with Tohatsu 9.8 Smoker (I love the smell of 2 stroke in the morning)
Captain: Sid the dog
Crew: Sal, Rosie and Dave









Heres a link to a short film Rosie made!

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Old 21 September 2020, 22:09   #2
Country: UK - England
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Nice report, pics & video. Glad your happy with Korky.
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Old 21 September 2020, 22:37   #3
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Great report, pleased it all went so well.

Seeing that Tohatsu 9.8 pushing you along makes me remember back to ours and what an eager lightweight motor they are... one doesn't fit our need at the moment but I think if I dropped on a nice one might be tempting to fettle and keep for the future.

BTW daughter has an eye for camera angles at the video start.
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Old 22 September 2020, 18:56   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Northish
Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 95
Thanks for the comments. Yes OM2, very pleased with Korky. Fen. Rosie just made that little film whilst watching TV, I have no idea how!!
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Old 22 September 2020, 19:43   #5
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Did you have anything to measure the speed. It’s absolutely not all about speed but it’s a useful benchmark for hull efficiency.
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Old 22 September 2020, 22:16   #6
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Really good report and great video.
Wonder how many maiden voyages are made on Ullswater?
Like Fenlander, I'd be interested in top speed.
I have read a claimed speed of 35kph with a 9.8hp on Boatworld's website.
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Old 23 September 2020, 05:26   #7
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Very nice report and video. I also have a 9.8 Tohatsu 2 stroke and also a 15 hp 2 stroke and a 20hp 4 stroke. I feel that for the power and weight the 9.8 remains the best you can buy.

We are planning a trip to Ullswater soon having just returned from the Hamble where we also benefitted from the excellent weather this weekend as you did.

Could you please confirm again where you launched from on Ullswater

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Old 23 September 2020, 10:53   #8
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 95
Hi All

We launched from Park Foot campsite. I rang the day before and paid a fiver to park all day and launch, an absolute bargain in my book. Tel: 01768 486309. Its at Pooley Bridge.

One disappointment was the amount of litter left by other boaters and people parking (not Sibbers) even though there is a bin in the car park. I went round and picked it all up and binned it as this is just the sort of thing that gets these venues closed to us.

Top speed 3 up with Captain Sid was 25 mph in a bit of chop. I used the GPS Speedometer app which I checked in the car and is accurate. I didn't want to hack off other boaters so only went flat out once. Generally just stayed around the 10 plus mph mark to enjoy the scenery.

After years of boating with sailing dinghys (not for me) and Speedboating (loved every minute) I was suprised how much I really enjoyed the SIB and the versatility. Just need to get back out which is looking more and more unlikely with the cureent situation.
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Old 23 September 2020, 11:52   #9
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I just looked up information on that Elling and it certainly looks like a good contender to the Honwave. I think it is certainly a faster machine
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Old 23 September 2020, 12:56   #10
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I always tend to think in kts so about 21.5kts... which is almost too good for a 9.8hp on a 3.5m three up... not trying to nit pick but was it a two way average?

Whatever though it's obvious the figures are excellent as it would usually need a 20hp to be sure of seeing such speeds on a normal SIB.

The ability to get to 20kts or so and therefore easily cruise at 15kts from a 27kg motor makes the Elling/Tohatsu combo a very interesting contender in the easy to transport SIB sector.

In fact if I was looking now given we are mostly two plus medium dog and as the Aerotec is no more I'd take that combo option very seriously.
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Old 23 September 2020, 13:09   #11
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Even if it wasn't a two way average, 21.5knts one way is very impressive.
When my back finally says no more to lifting a 47.5 kg OB that combo will be on my radar.
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Old 23 September 2020, 18:25   #12
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
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Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
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Posts: 95
It was a one way run up the lake which could make a difference. They do make some big claims for the boat and it did seem to live up to them. Turns really well and very stable. I guess the inflatable keel helps along with the 2 fins. There was ever so slight, intermittent cavitation but not enought to worry about. I will try an inch of hardwood to lift the motor next time out and if its the same, I will live with it. I will try a solo speed run next time! The lightness and manageability are just brilliant.
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Old 23 September 2020, 18:28   #13
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 95
Meant to say Steve, it was your posts about Ullswater that pointed us there. I would probably have gone to Coniston otherwise. Great shout!

Anyone been on Derwentwater?
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Old 23 September 2020, 18:38   #14
Country: UK - England
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Hi Dave, I've never taken the SIB onto Derwentwater but I've done a lot of sailing there. It is very shallow, makes a small lake even smaller, you can really only use 2/3 of the lake. Saying that it would make a nice day pottering around.
I'm off to Coniston on Friday, we'll be well wrapped up! So I'll post some comments about our day there.
Where up Northish are you? Next time you go to the Lakes it would be nice to meet up.
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Old 24 September 2020, 09:19   #15
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Korky
Make: Elling KB350
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 9.8 2 Stroke
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 95
We are near Skipton Steve so that makes us under local lockdown since last tuesday :-(
I will definately try Coniston when we can get out again. Good to hear how you go on.
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Old 24 September 2020, 09:39   #16
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>>>It was a one way run up the lake which could make a difference.

I was in no way trying to undermine the speeds you have seen just really interested in the Elling so wanted to have a speed vs OB size figure in my head. But yes you have to do both ways and find an average. At sea adding tide and wind you can get some very exciting speeds shown until you turn round and see a lower figure.

>>>I guess the inflatable keel helps.

Is it in the water in normal running?

>>>There was ever so slight, intermittent cavitation but not enough to worry about. I will try an inch of hardwood to lift the motor next time...

We usually raise a motor to reduce splashing or reduce drag/increase speed... but doing so pushes you into the realms of creating ventilation (cavitation) so unless that hull configuration produces unusual behaviour I doubt you'll want to raise the motor or it will be worse.

>>>The lightness and manageability are just brilliant.

Really good to hear.
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