Originally Posted by Fenlander
Yep another support for the Karman idea if it suited Chris... they do not fit with the way we need to operate but if things changed I'm very impressed with the idea of one.
I hear what your saying Fenlander.
I was drawn to an aluminium floored Sib initially as I needed ease of storage, didn't want a trailer nor did I have space for one.
As things progressed I got seriously hacked off with blow up, fit floor, deflate, repack into car, unpack, wash down and pack away routine.
The airfloor sibs are definitely much easier to live with than a wooden or aluminium floored sib and certainly punch above their weight in boating performance.
I did a lot of fishing b4 and I favoured the flat aluminium deck.
I use to love the look of bemusement on people's faces when I made a boat out of a bag then set sail in it.
Had two coach loads of geriatrics give me a round of applause one day at Dunure harbour

For the last 5 years I have trailered a Honwave 3.5ae now that i have space for the trailered sib to sit.
I love it to death but I know that for the same space and weight I can have a Highfield 380 which will outperform my Honwave in every respect.
I'm going down the Highfield next year but I don't reckon it will be long until I have another Honwave.
This time it will be an air floored number which I will chuck I'm my caravan and use in those instances where a trailered boat is not feasible.
It's truly a matter of which boat ticks most of your boxes.
Unfortunately there is no perfect boat out there, just some that fit the bill better than others.